Sunday, December 7, 2008

Humanities Homework/Seminar class/due date: 12/11/08

Take and defend a position on one of the following thesis statements:

Thesis A: A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate.

Thesis B: A federal system of government is too complex a form of government to be effective in a large and/or populous nation.

1. Your written defense must be at least 300 words.
2. Be sure to include at least one parenthetical citation.
3. Include at least two persuasive techniques
4. Construct a five-paragraph formal essay.


Nathan Beutler said...

A government’s power can be shared or can be hogged by a single group. In a federal system of government citizens have power within the government to have a say in certain issues. Even though the people have rights the state still has power. The nation has powers to do things that concern the country. Having the powers in the government split is the best way to protect the rights of citizens and keep the states and the nation happy.
In a federal form of government the citizens have their own rights and powers to protect their rights. Without some power the citizens in a country would not be able to protect their rights and express their opinions. Like it says in We the People the Citizens and the Constitution the citizens have the power to select their own careers, to raise a family, to believe what one wishes and many more (150). Because people have a say in what they want to do and think the people will keep their rights safe.
The state also has powers of its own to govern its territory as long as it’s not against the constitution. The state has power to differ itself from other states. They can create state laws, again as long as it is not against the constitution. As it says in We the People the Citizens and the Constitution the state can tax the people, borrow money, create their own court system, and provide for the health and welfare of people (150). Because the states have power that concerns the specific area and they can focus on that areas problems and fix them.
The Nation has powers that decide the well being of the country like waging war or changing the constitution. The nation has power to rule over affairs that should not be decided on by the people like waging war. The nation has the power to create post offices, declare and conduct war, and create national currency.
The federal system is the best way to show people’s representation and equal the powers so everyone has a say. Because the power is separated they can specify their certain needs. Our government uses the federal system and most people like it so far and it has worked really well so far so it would be the best system.

Unknown said...

This is for the independent study project. It said to post it to the blog but I can't find where. I hope this is the right place.

For the independent study project I am going to do, 8.5.1 as a map outlining the major battles of the war of 1812. I'll also do an essay showing the political and economic cause and consequences of the war.

brahm said...

i choose thesis A
The fact that a federal system of government is better than a unitary system isn't a very well known fact but one that is about 90% true. with Federalism you get more bureaucracy than with a unitary system but its also has the benefit of checks and balances.

brahm said...

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oops sorry that was an accident it isnt finished

ninaad said...

I believe that a federal government is much more effective than a unitary government, to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate. We’re approaching 2009, not the 1st century. We’re past one dictator controlling everyone, one branch of government having soul power.

We need a legislative branch, an executive branch and a judicial to keep people from getting greedy for power, and vain. When we balance government, good things happen, and it makes everyone’s life easier. If the government affects hundreds of thousands of people, why should one branch deserve that power? The answer is, that is does not. With a system of a separation of powers, no one branch has too much power, and things are much less likely to go wrong.

What if the national government we being unethical? Anything could happen, and we would have no control over it. If just the national government alone has superior power, they could do whatever they wanted with that power. Our rights could easily put in jeopardy; our chances of participating in our communities would slim. With 3 branches of government, we have 3 different houses protecting our rights and fighting for us, so that if by any chance one goes wrong, we have a back-up plan. Each branch has some ability to act on its own, which allows our government to modernize and gives it more freedom.

A unitary government is much too dictatorial, and with the federal system, we allow for compromise and prevent too much power in the hands of a few. If the national government becomes too overly powerful, our rights will not be protected. They have total power and freedom to do whatever they like. In a unitary form of government, our states are granted rights only that are approved by the central government beforehand; if we have a federal system, the people are sovereign.

I would like to say one last time: federal government gives power to the people, and balances our government. Government needs to be separated so one branch is not left with all the power to abuse it; unitary is the wrong choice. said...

By Astrid Garcia

Imagine this: a system of government which gives all the power to one executive branch or person. There's no checks. There's no balances. A federal government is a form of government in which a union of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority while retaining certain residual powers of government. A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate.
The federal system of government is a good system because it has checks and balances. It divides and shares the powers of government between the central government and the state government. This gives each state a government that fits their needs, while still remaining a country, with the same basic laws.
A unitary system of government is not good, because each state, community, and individual has different needs. According to "We the People"**, unitary government is a government that has one national government that has one set of laws that every single state shares. It’s good that they have one set of main laws that is on the constitution, but each section of the United States have different things that they would want for laws and not want for laws. Since they are in different places different laws are needed.
There's nothing greater than balancing the power between the people and the government, although the system may be complex sometimes complexity is one of the most efficient, and efficiency is one of the most important things about the amazing country of America. This country was founded on freedom and being able to take part in the government, and being able to change it if necessary. How are you going to change the government when there is only one monarch?
As you can clearly see, a federal system of government is obviously a better choice for the incredible country of America. Unitary government is not as strong and people can not be as much apart of government when the government is so far away. The federal system of government will protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate in the United States of America.

**"We the People" is supposed to be underlined**

Unknown said...

I believe that a federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate because in a unitary government the power for local and state governments come from the central government. The central government, though, could take away their power at any time, which makes them way more powerful than all the other governments.
In a federal system the citizens have their own rights and the power to protect their own rights. The people are able to express their opinions and protect their rights, however, they wouldn’t be able to do that without the power they have. The citizens have many rights, like it says in We the People, such as being able to believe what we wish, select our careers and live our lives however we want, choose our friends and raise a family etc (150). Would we want a government that didn’t give us that freedom?
As it says in We the People, the state and federal governments both share specific powers. Some of them are the power to make their own laws, tax the people and borrow money. They also have the power to provide for the health and welfare of the people (150). If they were to each have their own individual power, then it would be chaos. Our rights would be in jeopardy, because each of the governments would want to rule. We would no longer have a say in our community. By splitting the powers up, our rights are protected.
A unitary system of government does not give the people enough participation in the government. In our government we allow for the people to have a say, unlike the unitary system, which seems too much like a dictatorship. In the unitary system, basically all the power is in the central government. If it wanted to, the central government could take over at any time, making it kind of like a dictatorship. In the federal system, however, we prevent few people from having too much power.
So as you can see, the federal system of government is a lot better than a unitary system because it is definitely not as strong as the federal system. People don’t participate as much in the government because they don’t have the right to. By having a federal government, we get a say in the government and our rights are protected.

Tony said...

For this question I chose Thesis A: A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate. I chose this thesis because while government should have power over the things that it governs that power should not be unbalanced in the favor of one interest group and should instead be divided amongst several branches with varying interest and purposes. A unitary government cannot protect the rights of citizens because there will always be an imbalance of power and with that there will be no way of knowing whether or not those people with power will be in favor of the general population. While with a federal system of government there are several places where power is divided amongst those with power and is distributed equally. And among those few people that have power there are people who represent the general population and the general populations interests. There will always be conflicting interests and no 2 people share the same views on the same things even if those people are identical in many or even all other ways. Federal governments are built around compromise and the will of the people but unitary governments do not protect this and while there may be conflicting interests the government has all the power over its subjects and can bend any sort of law or act over them without the permission of the general public because there would be no representation for the general people and no way for them to change that without the power to. Unitary governments are based around a single entity and focuses on bringing the people together but by doing this they are infringing upon the natural rights of the people which is why federal governments are better.

ryan3018 said...

I think that Federal government is better because the powered is shared equally but in unitary system it is shared but unlike federal it is shared unequally so it is like one person having the power to have a house and someone richer has the power to do anything he wants to.
And what is the point of that? Someone could take away your power or burn your house just because your poor and you can do anything about or you'll get burned to death. But if everyone has equal power then you can really take something away because you don’t have that power.
Today we still have that power, we still have it because we have has president and he makes allot of decisions such as commanding the army but many of us cant do that any way because we haven been in the army or taken army school. But allot of the laws we do usually have some part with the people. We also get the power to elect presidents. Having uneven power could be OK but it has to be a little bit over lapsed or people would be hogging and gloating the power like Nathan said.

Ally said...

I believe that a federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate. If the people can't be part of the government, then how can a government support the people? The framers of the United States Constitution chose a federal system of government because the people have some say in government. A country with a federal system of government has a state and national government. A federal type of government is probably the better choice for government.The Framers of the United States Constitution chose this type of government for their country. Federalism is dividing the government into smaller parts, such as state governments (We the People 149). The Framers chose this form of government because it put limits on what the government could do and it had certain powers. In a federal government, the national government has certain powers that the state could not have. The state governments also have certain powers that the national governments cannot have. There are also powers that national and state governments share. There are also limits on the national and state governments.

According to We the People, in a federal government, sovereign people, or people in authority, control the government (149). This type of government does let the people have some say in government. Having some say in what happens in government is better than having no say in government, such as in an unitary form of government. There are certain rights that the people have that are given to them in any form of government.

The national government has the many powers that the states cannot have. One power is that the national government can create post offices (We the People 150). Another power is that the national government is the only part of the government that can control trade (We the People 150). The national government is the only part of the government that can create and control a war (We the People 150).According to We the People, the national government can only make a new type of currency for the country (150). Having these powers help to control the national government and protect the people.

The state governments have powers that the national government cannot control. One power the state governments have is the power to control the state's trade (We the People 150). Another power the states have is to make public schools (We the People 150). According to We the People, the state can make their own "traffic and motor vehicle laws" (150). The state also has the power to control the practices of marriage and divorce in their state (We the People 150). These powers for the state government help the national government be better for the people.

A federal system of government is the better choice for government. There are a few reasons why it is better than a unitary form of government. The people have a say in what happens in it and the national and state governments each have their own powers. If you are trying to decide which type of government is better for a country, a federal system of government is the best choice.

Unknown said...

Federal vs. Unitary Government Essay

A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate (Thesis A), because in a federal system of government, the people hold rights above the government instead of one single ruler, or ruling body, holding rights above the people. In fact, in a federal system, the people can modify the rights of the government, instead of the government having the right to abolish the rights of the people.

As James Madison said in the Federalist Papers, “we may define a republic to be, or at least may bestow that name on, a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure, for a limited period, or during good behavior.” (Federalist No. 39) The United States was founded on the idea that the government would lead upon the terms of the people and this has proven to be one of the best forms of government in the world.

Some of the most successful countries, including our Unites States, are federalist governments. Even traditionally Unitary governments, such as France, Italy and the United Kingdom, have joined together to form part of a federal system, the European Union. The European Union (E.U.) was formed by the nations of Europe in order to have the economic and military power of larger countries, like the U.S., China, and Russia.

Most unitarian countries are small and not very successful. It doesn’t make sense to have state governments in a country that is only as big as a state. In small countries it makes more sense to have a central government, but this can lead to corruption and lack of human rights. Most people would probably rather live under a federal system. This makes sense because who would be willing to be in a country that holds charge over their rights.

A federal system is better for people’s rights than a unitarian system because the people have more power over the government than the government has over them. federal systems have proven to be one of the better systems of government. Unitarian governments are often small and unsuccessful, and even unitarian systems are joining together into federal systems. That is why a federal system is better for people’s rights than a unitarian system.

Unknown said...

A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate. Federal goverent the people get to create their own government and the people delegate to government the right, or authority, to govern them(149). The unitary government controls the state and local governments(148). The federal government is responsible for protecting the people's rights to life, liberty, and property(149).
The people get to choose who they want to govern them. The Constitution begins with the words "We the People of the United States"(149). The people remain sovereign at all times(149). The people have ultimate authority to control government. In this government the people delegate some powers to the federal, or national government. These powers lets the government to declare and conduct war. The federal government shares some powers with the unitary government like taxing the people.
The federal government can't tax exports, spend money in a way that is not approved by law, and enact laws that favor trade in one state over the others(151). The state governments can't coin or print money, enter into treaties with other nations, and keep an army or navy in time of peace(151). Neither the federal nor state governments can deny the right to trial by jury, enact ex post facto laws or bills attainder, and grant titles os nobility(151).
The federal government is better than the unitary government because the people have more rights. In the federal government the people have more authority in who they want to give certain powers to and who they want to be governed by. Lots of the things that the federal government can't do is really bad for the government. That's how this government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opprotunities to participate.

Sam said...

What is one thing that a very vast amounts of people want to have? They want to have a say in the government. Sitting around in your house not doing anything, like not voting or becoming a part of different political oppritunites, won't put your voice in to America. The good thing about America, is that the powers the government has are separated to different branches. We currently have a federal system in America, which is doing us well; a federal system is where the soverign people decide how to delegate authority (which is stated in the We The People textbook on page 149).A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate. Unitary government is a foolish government that only has one main branch (148).

The first reason why I feel that we should keep our federal system, is it keeps the powers divided in to groups where people are more knowledgable in. The different branches of government being the state and national goverment. They each had different powers they had and didnt have. Even some of these powers where shared by both governments. Only having a unitary government gives a certain amount of people the powers; with the federal system, twice the amount of people getso to have a final say on their powers. If a person wants to join the government and are more knowledgable on state matters, they can join the state government.

Another reason why a federal system is good to have in America, is it organizes things in to catergories. Say that someone is filing a complaint against their job, that would be taken towards the state court (or government.) If someone was filing a complaint against a way America was trading, then it would be taken to national court (or government.) This doesn't cram all issues in to one government, things are able to be spread out into their own categories. Having a unitary government will ruin our nation as a whole.

My last reason why we must keep our government using the federal system is it allows the people to contribute more towards what is done in the government. In a federal system, the government is going to protect the people's rights and other issues. Unitary government is going to act mainly towards the people, because it is headed by a central government (148). So, by having a government lead by a "central" government, they will mainly be concerned about the people and not as much on things like economics (which is really important now.)

As you can see, there are many different reasons why a federal government is best for our country. A unitary government is just unreasonable and not wise; it's as dumb as a doorknob. We need to be focused on, but also have our economy, trade, etc. that needs attention. So, if you want a say in government, a stong and balanced government, and a experinced government; rely on a federal government.

myleshopkins said...

Myles Hopkins
period 5-7
I believe that a federal government is a better choice rather than a unitary government, to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with the chance to participate in local government. Because, in a unitary government the power of local and state governments come from the central government of a city or country. The central government, could take away their power at any time, which gives them more control than other governments.
In a federal government the citizens have rights and the power to protect their rights. The people are allowed to speek their minds and oppinouns. The citizens have many rights, like being in control to select they're careers and live their lives however they choose. Thats the kind of government I believe in.
Like it says in We the People, that the state and federal governments both share specific powers. Some of the branches have the power to create laws, tax people, and borrow money from foreign countries. They also have the power to provide health and welfare of the people (150).

A unitary system of government doesn't give the people the chance to speak their minds. In our government people have a say, unlike the unitary government. Which in opinoun is a lot like a dictatorship, where one person controls a government with force. In the unitary government, all the power is in the central government.

So as i have said a federal government is a lot better than a unitary government because a federal government is a lot stronger. And thats what iI think the best choice would be.

England said...

A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate.To inform you on what the difference of a unitary system and a federal system is, federal government is a government that would be divided up into three divisions, and a unitary system is a national government.

Personally, I would consider the unitary system to be somewhat of a dictatorship. How would you not think so? When people have this sort of power over people, it can fall into the wrong hands and can have great impact on a person. Take into consideration how this can have effect on someone. Government is a big part of our lives and to have people control that would be devastating and heartbraking to those who need a strong, hard-working government. The unitary system would be very confusing, because of how many things are going on into one group. As opposed to the federal system were they are divided into three groups. If we did have unitary system, the power should be distrubuted equally. The citizens need a government that is efficient and hard-working. Why not have federal system? Its efficient, they would be hard-working, there would be no confusion, and citizens would feel protected. Citizens need to know that they can rely on their government to protect them and everything they stand for. Sharing the power equally would be much better, than having to deal with unequality. Please, take into consideration what government means to you and how you could be affected by what the unitary system does to "help" you. The cause would be the unitary system and the affect would be on you. You have too much too worry about already like your family or career. Dont get confused about your life on the account of the unitary government. The citizens of America do not deserve a government like the unitary system.

Anthony Giardinelli's Art Gallery said...

Federal system is the proper balance of state and national powers of America. it makes sure that the people are a part of the government. It helps economy because the people need a nation that they can trust and the only way to do that is to let them fill in some ideas on how to make our nation better and stronger. if the nation had all the power our government would be a dictatorship. if the states had all of the power our nation would not get along which would come to war. Federal system is made to protect the rights of our citizens. without there rights they are just providers for the country to keep it from failing. Our country has been using federal system for 100's of years and it has made us the strongest country in the world. That doesn't make us a bad country, it actually helps other country's because we are so successful. Federal government is mostly made for the people's rights, that is a system i would like for our country. It may be complex but it works doesn't it? Its been working for a long time. A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate. this is exactly what we need and exactly what he got. now instead of one nation that controls all of the citizens, the citizens are also a part of the government actions. so the next time you think and say "how is America so powerful and successful?" its all because of federal system. if something goes wrong in our country and none of the citizens can help, the government is going to struggle to protect there citizens. our protection is the most important thing to the united states of America. Federal system is th right system. federal system is the answer to everyones problems.

savannah tate said...

When it comes to government choices, people want more than anything else to have their voices heard. They want this because the end result effects them in ways they could or could not like. With the federal government being split into different branches, the federal system gives everyone the chance to have that voice of theirs heard which everyone likes. It also creates it so that the amount of power between the different groups is equal. The organization in this system is much better as well.
With federal government, more than one group of people can get together on what they believe is better for their state, or our nation. It also creates it so that the powers are equal between the certain branches or divisions of government. With this, people are more knowledgeable in the different divisions of government that they think is better for us.
Federal government creates a more organized way of handling the citizens issues with or wants for their government. In certain situations, it is better that the issue that has come up goes to a state court rather than a national court. In the same way, in certain situations, it is better that the issue that has come up goes to a national court rather than a state court. This way of things is better than everything just all going to one court. The organization in this way of government makes a lot more sense and is easier to handle.
People want their voices to be heard. With this form of government, peoples voices can be heard. It creates it so that peoples wants for their state, or nation, can be represented well by groups of people wanting and believing in what they want and believe in.
As you can see, I believe that federal government is much better for out state and nation. It creates equality, organization, and the chance for the citizens voices to be heard.

Blog master said...

Thesis A

A federal system will protect the rights of citizens mre the the unitary system. The reason why I say this is because in a federal system/government their are seperated powers where all are friends and not enemies. In a unitary system/government you have two side fighting over power, the national government.
The federal system is like a scale, and with this scale all sides are equal. Their are three sides of this scale other wise known as branches, and the three brances are known as: the seperation of powers. Each branch has its own job in the system.
The first one is the executive branch. Its jov is to carr out the laws made by the legislative branc and undertakes other constitutionaly provided functions. The president is in charge of the executive branch of government.
The second is the legislativ branch. This is known as the law making branc. They enact laws aon subjects ranging from speed limits and crmes to health care, education, land use, enviromental protection, licensing of proffesionals.the last branc is the judicial branch. It consists of trial and appellate courts.
If we had a unitary government a war would start and break up the beautiful nations that our founders have sown together with their lies hoping that we the new generation will make the world a better place to live in. We can do it only if we work as a team, and maybe then who knows what could happen in the near future.
Now I know why they call it planning for the future. You can't plan for the past, and that my dear friends is a strong fact, unless you make a time machine.

Lance said...

Federal system of government
By Lance George

Federal system is a much more effective type of government then unitary government because even in a state or vicinity with a large population the people can still think for them selves and be good board members. In a federal system the sovereign people decide how to delegate their authority, which way all the power is shared evenly which creates happiness. In a unitary government a central government controls the state and the local governments, which is not an affective way of doing things. Under a federal system citizens will be success full in protecting there own rights as citizens and provide them selves with opportunities to participate.

Federalism refers to the practice of dividing and sharing the powers of the government between the central federal governments and the regional governments such as the state government. Although federal government and state governments may share some of the same powers those powers are split up between people in the federal system and in the state system they are not.

Federal government has a lot of powers; they include creating post offices, regulating interstate trade and foreign trade, declare and conduct war and creating a natural currency. State government has about the same amount of powers but they just a little bit more limited; such as regulating but only within states, establishing public schools, making traffic and regulating marriage and divorce laws. Both federal and state government have the following powers; the power to make laws, the power to taw people, the power to borrow money, the power to create court systems and the power to provide health and welfare.

The rules and laws of the federal government has a huge impact on both the domestic and foreign affairs of the United States. The only limits on the powers of federal government are the ones made by the U.S Constitution. I assume that most people are in favor of federal government because it has way more opportunities for the people and that is exactly what they want. The people do not want to be run by some ones else’s opinion they want theirs. When the people do not have a say in the government there is no way that the government will protect their rights how they want them.

When the government is split up it gives the people more options and opportunities which will make the people happier and that will cause a better society and environment for every one. I am defending thesis A because it seems to be most plausible rather than thesis B. federal government is a better system to run a good nation.

brahm said...

The fact that a federal system of government is better than a unitary system isn't a very well known fact but one that is about 90% true. with Federalism you get more bureaucracy than with a unitary system but its also has the benefit of checks and balances.

The federal system of government is a little more complex than unitary but if has many benefits of security and government power.
It also makes sure that those who make a high power positions probably deserve them because you have to work for awhile to get to them. The beauracracy of the federal system is a little overwhelming but the unitary system is a little scary because of the one leader thing he could becaome a tyrant.

Also the federal system allows each state to have its own government systems and make its own laws as long as they dont interfere with federal laws. This added benefit gives the states a sense of security. Also because the states are part of a nation the states arent allowed to raise their own armies so the feds must protect them making the people feel closer to the goverment.

The federal system of government allows the people to vote for their own leaders so that makes them feel important and a part of government which inturn raises the morale of the people and causes them to be happy with their nation.

In a unitary system of government the power is basically that of a totalitarian type all the power goes to one political party which either is either the biggest or the strongest. In a federal the power is shared because even if the president is republican the people under him could possibly be democratic.

The point is A federal system of government is about 35% better than a unitary and therefore a clear choice.

Aubrey McMillan said...

By Aubrey McMillan

A Federal System of Government is good

A federal system of government, what is it you ask, it's the system of government where the people have the right to share how they feel about certain issues. You see with this system the state still has control, they still have power, but they take in ideas and listen to the people to try and make every one happy.
With the Federal government people have the rights to state how they feel and protect their rights. If people didn't have even the littlest bit of power they wouldn't be able to express there feelings on anything, they simply wouldn't have voice. If you refer to We The People , it states that peoples certain rights and power will not be delegated(taken away or lessened) The right to beleive what you wish, form or join organizations, select careers and choose certain life styles, choose our friends, travel where we want, and raise a family(150). If you ask me these six things are really important to living a more free lifestyle.
Not only do the people have rights, the state has rights to, to govern there land as long as it is with in the rules of the constitution. They may be higher but they to have regulations. In We The People it says that the state could make their own laws, tax the people, borrow money, create own court system, and provide for health and welfare of the people (150). Since these rules are allowed and the state only have to manage a small portion of land, when there is problems they can focus on them and fix them easier.
The entire Nation has the power to decide what happens to the country. The nation has the power to do many things that cannot be decided by the people, sucha as changing the contitutionand declare and manage war.
The Federal system is the most effeicient way to run society, power is equally spread and the country is more managble. People can actually get there word out and be heard, we need this if we want everything to be equal and fair. This is why I beleive the Federal System of Government is the best way to go.

Aubrey McMillan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nathanj256 said...


BY Nathan Johnson

A unitary system of government does not allow people to express their ideas, needs, or wants. When you live in a very populated area you need people to express their concerns or else there would be utter chaos .A federal system of government is more likely than a unitary system to protect the rights of citizens and provide them with opportunities to participate.

In certain areas people are likely to have different views on certain subjects. For example, people in Oregon might think differently about illegal immigration than people in California due to the fact that California shares a border with another country. That is why it is good to have a government for each state so they can decide what position they are going to take.

With a country that has such a high population, it is good to have more than one person giving ideas on what they think should happen. That way the president can take each group of people’s ideas into consideration. This will also help the president to learn more about each group of people. No one in there right mind would want a unitary system.

With a federal system of government people have the power (We the People 150),
but they do not have so much power that the people can decide, for example, if our country would go to war. That is why the national government has the power to declare war and create a national currency. Many places have a federalism type of government maybe you should think of moving to one of those places.

When you have a unitary system of government there will always be an unbalance of power. If a ruler has bias for certain areas of their jurisdiction then everyone in those places will live well, but the people who live in areas that the ruler is not fond of will most likely live uncomfortably. Finally the main reason that you should choose federalism, is because you will have more power as a person and you will be able to express your ideas and opinions.

Blog master said...

Thesis B

Some may say that federal system could work in any nation. But if you think just a little bit harder and Brain storm you could come up with some reasons it wouldn't work. One of the those reasons that I came up with is "that it is to complex a form of government to be effective in a large and/or populous nation. Do you think its true? Well lets do some research then and find out. After you.
If you had a large and populous area the federal system may not work with the separation o powers. It would be to overwhelmingly complicated for them. Another reason would be because most of those are ran by a monarch, one ruler, an overlord, A RULER WHO REIGNS WITH AN IRON FIST!
A monarch would rather have absolute power then let his people control who rules and let the people say "Adios amigo. It was very nice knowing you as a leader. Not!" If that were to happen I think he'd blow his top. I know I would, but know ones talking about me are they :-(. But the people are the ones who have unalienable rights. Whoever said "voice of the of the people." I mean thats ridiculous, I don't even know what that means. What. You say that a famous phliosepher named John Loppe said that. I mean John Locke, and that the people should voice their own opinion on who they would have as a president. Wow!
You know the U.S.A has that type of government. We get to vote for who we have lead us. You gotta admit that is pretty cool when it comes down for voting for the last to people in the election to see who would win and later find out that if he/she wasn't the one then maybe the other guy would've been better to vote for don't you think.

Anyways, A large and/or populous area would be better off with a unitary system of government where the local government gets one halfand the national government gets the other half. Everyones happy in the end. That is except me. (Loud Sniff then a sigh). huh. Oh, because my little presentation is over and have nothing else to do.

Unknown said...

I think the federal system is one of the best system’s. I think that is one of the best system’s because it’s about power. It’s about when government divide their power. When the power is shared by a central government and state and local government.

I think that if you have too much power in only one branch they will the country will overthrow. What I think is that the country has to be equal and I don’t think that the country doesn’t need to have too much power only in one branch.

A federal system government he does his work really quick. He does his job really quick because he knows what his doing.