Monday, December 15, 2008

Periods 5/7 Globalization Project/due 12/16

Post your Globalization essay. This essay should be your final draft. Be sure to follow the persuasive rubric. Please underline your thesis.


Nathan Beutler said...

Should we trade with countries that have no regulations on pollution?

Many people bring up the issue of pollution in trade. The majority of countries we rely on for resources and products, such as China, have no strict regulations regarding the amount of pollution in their area(1). some things exported from these countries could possibly be tainted or dangerous due to the environment in which they are produced. However, if we were to cut off trade from those countries, we could face economic ruin, outsourcing (making products in third age countries and paying the workers a lot less money) and other trade-related problems. Trading with foreign countries creates great income for America, so if we stop trading with countries that have no pollution regulations our country would suffer severely, for instance China does not have strict pollution regulations and they are our main provider of products so if we stopped trading with them we would drastically be affected.
Outsourcing is a huge inner problem regarding this issue. If we stopped trading with China because of the pollution they give we would lose the option of outsourcing. We pay fifty dollars a month for people to work in China and we pay people two thousand sixteen dollars a month at minimum wage. China benefits from our trade because of the amount of money that they get, and if we stopped trading with them they would become outraged. from the loss of income and it would create political problems with China and America.
Another problem is our dependency on other countries to manufacture our products. For instance, most of our country's toys and other recreational objects have a "Made in China" sign grafted into them. It is guaranteed that you cannot go into an all-American toy aisle. Although , we need China to produce our products because they have a better selection of resources, like petroleum, to produce plastic and other artificial substances to create products. Germany is quite polluted as well, but we rely on them for most of our cars nowadays (They are the leading country in automotive construction; companies like BMW are based in Germany). this issue has our country stuck in a rut.
All of this affects our economy, as we need the support of these countries. However, as addressed before, there is the problem of dangerous products and poison (especially lead poisoning). That means more deaths or cases of severe sickness, which doesn't exactly make the people's list of 100 best fates.
In the short span of time between 1976 and 1994, about 18 industrialized countries increased their "embodied pollution in trade2" in factories and imported/exported products. This is proof that one countries pollution could pose danger for others. The environment is severely affected as well; the smoke from factories kills wildlife and pollutes the air.
In conclusion, we should trade with these countries, even with the many risks. A mild sick wave is better than hopeless economic ruin, after all. If we were to cut off trade with important countries, we could risk poverty and other possible consequences. Many of our products come from these pollution countries, and resources as well. Even though it could be bad for the environment and maybe even the people, these problems could be easily fixed. We also rely on some of these countries for resources such as petroleum, a fuel we cannot operate this country without. Even though pollution is a problem, the economy would suffer without trade. Would you be happy if your favorite pair of Nike shoes were $400? We think not.

Bibliography wont paste

savannah tate said...

Free trade, or global trade, refers to the buying and selling of goods between countries. With free trade, you can import and export goods from other countries without having to pay taxes for the other country's items. Without free trade, items from other countries would be a lot more expensive and with that extra cost, we might not be willing to purchase the items.
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), is an outstanding demonstration of the rewards to outward-looking countries that implement policies of trade liberalization as a way to increase wealth and improve competitiveness.The NAFTA is an example of the benefits that all countries could derive from moving forward with multilateral trade liberalization. Today these goods and services can travel farther and faster so, for instance, products from all over the world can end up in your little shop on the corner. Those products can be anything from fruits and vegetables, to cars, clothing, banking services, and bottled water. Free Trade Agreements or FTA are said that they can help your companies to enter and compete more easily in the global marketplace. The U.S. has FTA's with 14 countries. In 2006, six new trade agreements were created. The six new countries were Bahrain, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Morocco, and Nicaragua.
Free trade enables nations to enjoy a wider variety of products. Furniture designed in Scandinavian countries and works of art from Asia and Africa enrich the lives of people in the U.S. even though similar products can be produced at home. Absolute free trade doesn't exist anywhere in the world. Free trade exists among new automotive equipment and parts between the U.S. and Canada is relatively free, but trade in defense machinery and equipment between the U.S. and Mexico is completely restricted.
Trade has some great benefits but it is also bad in a few ways, some would say. Trade between Canada and Mexico caused displacement in manufacturing industries, causing 879,280 men and women to lose their jobs. It both creates and destroys jobs of thousands of people. Trade had led to the bankruptcies of the companies Enron, WorldCom, and several other major corporations.


ryan3018 said...


Should we stop buying from the companies that cause global warming? No, if we did, it would damage the economy and every day society. Some argue that the effect on the environment would be good enough to cancel out all the bad thing of this plan. Here are two reasons why. It would damage the economy; the next is that it would affect the society.


Reason one is, it would damage the economy. If we put these companies out of business then we take away millions of jobs from people who can’t afford to loose them. Also all the people who bought stock in those companies would loose all their invested money and would probably go broke and if the company go out of business then all the people who rely on the products of this company will loose an important resource of their every day lives. Here’s a quote from the President of Growth-Logic, Incorporated Joel G. Block’s article The Ripple Effect: How One Bankruptcy Causes Another, “When a company stops paying their bills, the manufacturer [who isn’t paid] can no longer pay his bills. So the suppliers to the manufacturer are left unpaid. That’s called a ripple effect. So, when a company goes out of business, it’s not isolated for that specific company. The ripple effect brings down thousands of small businesses. "About 1.9 million jobs have been lost so far in 2008 and we can't loose more job just because these companies polluted."


Global Warming won’t just affect the economy it could affect the society too. If we get rid of the companies more people could loose their jobs and also if more campaniles shut down then more products wont be delivered to superstores like Vons and Wal-Mart, so many people wouldn't be able to get their apple pie or their new toy they wanted for Christmas, and if people loose their jobs then they can't pay their rent which makes them homeless. How would you like to know that you just got fired?. It wouldn't be fare and you would have to find a new job so that you can still survive. It was all Global Warming's fault too. How would you feel if someone put you out of a job just because of your companies pollution.


Some people believe that putting companies out of business will stop them from pollution and help the environment. But this would cause more bad than good, economy wise. If a food company were to go out of business, where would we go to get food? What about those water filtration companies?

(These two are the same paragraph)
We can't live without our water, if they were to. What if a clothing company were to be shut down? Where else would we get clothes if a trusted company were to come to a halt? Think of a construction business, what if they were to go bankrupt? We need those major companies for food, clothing, and shelter. We can't let them go out of business for polluting.


We can try to convince them to stop for now but we need a long-term solution. If we don’t act they will continue to pollute. You should find a way to help because this is your planet too and this issue effects your life. A good long term-plan could be to provide the companies with renewable resources and convince them to use them. Help us stop this pollution problem the smart way!


Ally said...

Should we trade with countries that pollute and don't support our cause? Global warming is a global problem that affects everyone. One of the main causes of global warming is air pollution. When the United States trades with countries that don't have good pollution laws, it hurts the environment. When we trade with countries that don't have good pollution laws, that means that we are supporting pollution, should we trade with them?

Fish have disappeared from over 200 lakes in just New York state alone!(3) Global warming is endangering so many different animals and plants on the Earth.There are ocean animals, such as crabs and mussels, that are getting soaked in oil from the pollution that is killing them.(2) Sea otters get the oil stuck on their fur, which can't keep them warm in cold water. When the otters go down to the bottom of the ocean to get food, they freeze from the cold water, which kills them.(2) The global warming will make forests decline and change the climate of the Earth. Plants and animals need certain gases in the atmosphere. There are 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and at least 1% of each of other gases.(4) The gases are needed for the plants and animals to live. Global warming can also have a big effect on people.

In large companies, there are huge factories that the clothes or products are made in, these factories give off large amounts of fossil fuels and carbon dioxide. These fossil fuels pollute the atmosphere and are making the earth warmer, this is called global warming. It is said that over 6 million of 6.8 million kids with asthma got it from poor air quality. Poor air quality causes global warming by: pollution gets into the o-zone layer which is a layer in the atmosphere that keeps the world from burning up in flames. The o-zone is starting to get holes in it and this is what is making the earth warmer. But the spots where there still is an o-zone is getting warmer but is not as effected as places like Antarctica. Antarctica is the most effected country because all the ice is melting, there is nowhere for the animals like penguins to go. If all the ice melts in Antarctica there is a good chance that 15 million people that live along the Ganges river in India will loose there homes to flooding. Some might even lose there lives. These deaths and loss of homes would effect us because we get a lot of goods that we trade from India. But this isn't just going to happen tomorrow it will happen a while into the future. Global warming will effect us in the future more than ever. This will affect us by: many people losing there homes to changing weather patterns, sea level rising 3 feet in the next 50 years, and the earth warming 2.7 degree's Fahrenheit. Global warming is going to affect mainly the people that live in extremely warm or cold weather. But there is also a good side to polluting.

The good side to polluting is that it helps some people have jobs like companies that have factories that need the machines to keep up with the demand. Many factories pollute but they are not nearly as bad as sugar cane mills. In Hawaii sugar cane factories take up 8,000 acres of land. In sugar cane factories, they burn fossil fuels just like other companies, but they burn probably twice that much. If it is used for things that are needed than why can't they continue to burn it. It is very useful to burn fossil fuels but we must conserve our earth not waste it. If we continue to waste it the earth then our children and grand-children will not have an earth to live on, they will have to live in caves. Although useful we must stop hurting our earth and fix what we have already done.

Is trading with countries that hurt the environment right? No, trading with countries that hurt the environment is not right. Global warming is happening and it needs to stop so people and animals don't get hurt. Poor air quality has already hurt 6 million kids and it will effect millions more if the air quality doesn't get better.(4) So support stopping global warming so this crisis will stop.

(The bibliography will not paste.) said...


by Astrid and Samantha

Even though it’s illegal in America to kill and torture animals for their fur, people are going to extremes to hurt the animals just for fashion. People have international auction houses to sell furs to other countries. Trading animal’s furs is one part of globalization that should be stopped because of the horrible ways that these animals are tortured. It is not okay to kill animals for their fur, even if they have been killed in a different country.

More than half the fur garments in America have been killed and slaughtered in China. The way they kill the raccoons in China is horrible. The people do not even show the smallest acts of kindness to these animals when they kill them. Not only do they kill the animals, they also grab them and hit them on the ground. You may think that then they just shoot them to kill them or something like that, but no. They do not even kill the raccoons before they skin them alive. Some are still alive even after they skin the animals. After the animals are tortured, the skins are sent away to giant auction houses, where they globalize the fur and sell many pelts to the highest bidder. No matter where the tag says your fur coat is from, it’s probably from one of these horrible torture houses in China.

We are not the only people who feel this way about the animals, there is a whole group for it, PETA. PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They think animals have rights just as humans do. They are here to defend animals, so that someday nobody will be wearing animal's fur. PETA is a worldwide group that does many protests all over the world, and goes on undercover missions to try to help save animals and stop the distribution of fur. Not only PETA, Rickey Gervias from the original "The Office" spoke against fur and became apart of PETA for the worldwide fight to stop Canadian bears from being made into hats. Stephen Colbert, a known comedian also showed fake spirit in the more recent "A Colbert Christmas." Colbert was seen wearing fur boots while hiding in a cabin from a bear, luckily the boots were Vegan Faux Shoes from Chloe Kardashian recently did a racy photo shoot for PETA saying "I'd rather be naked than wear fur." And as happy as we are that there are individuals out there doing their part, its greater to know that there is also entire companies out there doing there part. Companies like Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, and Vivienne Westwood banned fur from there clothing collections after they met with the people from PETA and PETA Europe. Vivienne also after donated the rest of their rabbit fur to wildlife rehabilitation.

Not all people in the world are as nice as these supporters though. Fashion lines like Christia, Olivieri, Glamour, designer furs, Vincenza, Burrberry, and Alta Moda support animals fur on clothing (and that is only some!) Burberry, chooses to still wear fur even though they know that traders in china skin their cats and dogs and other animals live. Burberry proclamed "...we will continue to use fur. However, we will not use fur if there is a serious concern that the fur has been produced by the unacceptable treatment of the animals concerned." At they have many different kinds of furs such as skunk, raccoon, rabbit, muskrat, mink, sheepskin, fox, coyote, beaver, and chinchilla. So even though there are those in the world that do help, there are obviously people who are continuing to globalize wearing fur and fur trade.

Although lot's of people are against the globalization of fur trade, many people are continuing to buy the tortured animal's fur. Thanks to many individuals and organizations, including PETA, someday animals might stop being tortured, sold in worldwide auction houses, and the designers will stop using fur on their runways and selling it in stores. But until then, you can do your part by only wearing fake fur. We need to stop this horrible treatment of animals. said...


by Astrid and Samantha

Even though it’s illegal in America to kill and torture animals for their fur, people are going to extremes to hurt the animals just for fashion. People have international auction houses to sell furs to other countries. Trading animal’s furs is one part of globalization that should be stopped because of the horrible ways that these animals are tortured. It is not okay to kill animals for their fur, even if they have been killed in a different country.

More than half the fur garments in America have been killed and slaughtered in China. The way they kill the raccoons in China is horrible. The people do not even show the smallest acts of kindness to these animals when they kill them. Not only do they kill the animals, they also grab them and hit them on the ground. You may think that then they just shoot them to kill them or something like that, but no. They do not even kill the raccoons before they skin them alive. Some are still alive even after they skin the animals. After the animals are tortured, the skins are sent away to giant auction houses, where they globalize the fur and sell many pelts to the highest bidder. No matter where the tag says your fur coat is from, it’s probably from one of these horrible torture houses in China.

We are not the only people who feel this way about the animals, there is a whole group for it, PETA. PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They think animals have rights just as humans do. They are here to defend animals, so that someday nobody will be wearing animal's fur. PETA is a worldwide group that does many protests all over the world, and goes on undercover missions to try to help save animals and stop the distribution of fur. Not only PETA, Rickey Gervias from the original "The Office" spoke against fur and became apart of PETA for the worldwide fight to stop Canadian bears from being made into hats. Stephen Colbert, a known comedian also showed fake spirit in the more recent "A Colbert Christmas." Colbert was seen wearing fur boots while hiding in a cabin from a bear, luckily the boots were Vegan Faux Shoes from Chloe Kardashian recently did a racy photo shoot for PETA saying "I'd rather be naked than wear fur." And as happy as we are that there are individuals out there doing their part, its greater to know that there is also entire companies out there doing there part. Companies like Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, and Vivienne Westwood banned fur from there clothing collections after they met with the people from PETA and PETA Europe. Vivienne also after donated the rest of their rabbit fur to wildlife rehabilitation.

Not all people in the world are as nice as these supporters though. Fashion lines like Christia, Olivieri, Glamour, designer furs, Vincenza, Burrberry, and Alta Moda support animals fur on clothing (and that is only some!) Burberry, chooses to still wear fur even though they know that traders in china skin their cats and dogs and other animals live. Burberry proclamed "...we will continue to use fur. However, we will not use fur if there is a serious concern that the fur has been produced by the unacceptable treatment of the animals concerned." At they have many different kinds of furs such as skunk, raccoon, rabbit, muskrat, mink, sheepskin, fox, coyote, beaver, and chinchilla. So even though there are those in the world that do help, there are obviously people who are continuing to globalize wearing fur and fur trade.

Although lot's of people are against the globalization of fur trade, many people are continuing to buy the tortured animal's fur. Thanks to many individuals and organizations, including PETA, someday animals might stop being tortured, sold in worldwide auction houses, and the designers will stop using fur on their runways and selling it in stores. But until then, you can do your part by only wearing fake fur. We need to stop this horrible treatment of animals.

Tony said...

Genetically modified foods are harmful to people world wide due to the chemicals and changes used on the foods and the inhumane techniques used to produce these foods.

When foods are modified with chemicals and drugs the changes could be potentially harmful. Techniques used include bacteria carriers, gene slicing, gene splicing, and several others. Although the uses for these things are effective there is still no way of knowing if changing the genetic makeup or forcing certain bacteria upon foods will help or harm the nutritional value of these foods. Food modification is essentially a new science and as such should be studied further before it is mass produced. There have been reports of illness and negative effects on people who have come into contact with potentially modified peanuts that have developed a new allergen "Many children in the US and Europe have developed life-threatening allergies to peanuts and other foods. There is a possibility that introducing a gene into a plant may create a new allergen or cause an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals. A proposal to incorporate a gene from Brazil nuts into soybeans was abandoned because of the fear of causing unexpected allergic reactions". Also there are concerns about the pesticides use and it's effectiveness over time reports "Just as some populations of mosquitoes developed resistance to the now-banned pesticide DDT, many people are concerned that insects will become resistant to B.t. or other crops that have been genetically-modified to produce their own pesticides."

Genetically modified foods are also considered to be inhumane when concerning animals. Animals are often cloned or given some sort of drug or serum to make a more effective product and while no one is denying the possibilities of these products and the uses that could be developed it is still not clear what effects these products could have on people. And if they are modifying live animals that will produce offspring what is to say will occur in those offspring. There is a possibility that if mutation occurs in these offspring similar changes could begin to show up in humans and potentially be passed down to our offspring.

Others might say that these foods are potentially more useful than it is harmful. There are claims that the prevention of pest's and sped up growth are helpful and can improve the living conditions of others. However these insects could potentially adapt to the pesticides and become resistant to them which would make the insects more resilient and harder to kill. These chemicals are also potentially dangerous to humans and could possibly invoke illnesses in people and animals alike.

While some good can come of GM foods there are always risks. By using these products as everyday cooking materials we are just increasing the chances of illness and injury that we already face with other foods such as food poisoning or animals stowing away in imported foods (which is already very likely with several reports such as this ) and several other risks. Not only are these foods potentially bad there are still healthyer alternatives to these products.

England said...

The Affects of Genocide

Have you heard of Hitler's great attempt at genocide to wipe out all the Jews? Have you ever heard of the attempted genocide at Rwanda and it is still wanted? Should the world help stop genocide from ever happening again? The world should help in stopping genocide around the globe. The UN (United Nations) Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide said that genocide is the intent on destroying, in whole or in part, an ethical, national, religious, or racial group of people; inflicting physical or mental harm to a group; putting harsh conditions on the way of life to where it either eliminates the whole group or cripples it. Genocide can, and is, one of those acts. Genocide is wrong because it is killing people or permanently scarring them for life. Genocide is a bad influence to other countries and too children. We shouldn't continue with genocide in any part of the world because all it does is provoke war.
Killing one person is wrong. Killing two people is worse. Attempting or even succeeding in exterminating a whole group of people is below the worst of things. On 1994 in Rwanda, 800,00 people were brutally murdered by country men and women only for the reason of belonging to a different ethnic group. These Rwandans were killed by their militia, armed forces, and civilians against that particular ethnic group. Genocide can spark into world wars and civil wars between the world or one country. This genocide was planned and organized and government officials played roles in this genocide. Opposing leaders had death threats from the people who wanted that group dead. The assassination plans for the leaders happened before the genocide itself began. The media assisted in the killings by supporting the killers and even participating also. This also meant that the killer apparent which meant that they could be brought to justice. The thing about genocide is that the group being attacked and murdered is usually against more than they can handle. Such as in Rwanda where that group had to take on the whole entire community by themselves. The UN sent peacekeeping troops down to the areas where genocide was being committed. Some people like the UN supports this cause to fully end any future attempts at genocide. The UN however decided to withdraw their troops rather than reinforce them. This decision was made by the Member States in the Security Council. About 96% of children in Rwanda has experienced the big blood bath of genocide and 80% have at least lost one family member in result of this war. Genocide affects both sides of the battle and both sides have greater losses than they can comprehend.
Children around the world that has their country, city, community, or family engage in genocide are the ones who are affected the most. In Rwanda children have had to face poverty head on by themselves and the ethical conflict between the Hutu's and Tutsi's did not ease their pain. The carnage left put children in orphanages or separated from their parents. UNICEF filed a report saying that 18% of Rwanda's 4.2 million children are still facing difficult circumstances by themselves. "These children were faced with having to deal with feeding themselves, clothing themselves, whether they went to school or not and just determining their own future," said Lizanne McBride, the deputy director of programs for the International Rescue Committee in Rwanda. In the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, children enveloped in poverty are getting their food from trash cans. In Rwanda genocide has lead to kids without the support or guidance of an adult and that is why we have to stop it. Kids should not be having to survive off of garbage and what little water they can find. The children needed the adults most when they weren't there. Genocide tears families apart and leaves deep emotional wounds within what is left of a sane person. "They had some assistance in some areas and certainly the government gave them assistance, but it's never enough given the number of children and what the government was dealing with post genocide," McBride said. "The problems from the genocide do not end with the aid and the assistance that comes in the immediate aftermath in one or two years." Children should have to witness any amount of genocide or even take part in the matter. Genocide hurts more than just the people that die. The children are some of the people who have to deal with the after effects.
There aren't many strong supporters of genocide but that doesn't mean that there aren't any. The people that do believe in Genocide usually wish to exterminate people because of their race or religion. This isn't right because people were given a mind so they can use it. There should not be any barriers restricting their ability to feel what they want to feel. Judging people before knowing their reasons for believing in what they want to believe in. It is hard to hate someone when you know their side of the story. When exterminating a group of people it is like seeing the world with one eye, you are killing without thinking of what might happen when this race or religion is gone. You lose a whole culture, you leave families in great pain, you leave children without parents to turn towards for guidance, and you have to withstand the weight of lives you took without trying to listen to the other side. Genocide is wrong because no one, not even the lowest of scum deserves to die.
In conclusion, the world should assist in preventing genocide and crimes damaging the human race. Genocide is exterminating people which damages humanity. It sends children into a too early state in which they witness to much blood shed and it even influences them to continue the genocide. People on both sides of the war are affected, killed, or thrown into poverty which throws the country's economy into a bad predicament. All genocide does is spark havoc, misfortune, and poverty and will continue to do so if genocide continues.

jocelyn said...

Is nuclear power more harmful than it is helpful.Nuclear energy can be used as a good source of electricity to power up whole cities. Nuclear power is also useful in the military, when there is a war and other countries are using nuclear weapons then we would be able to use them too.

Nuclear energy is a very clean power source that scientists believe Will be the next type of fuel for cars, though the one problem with that is that if a car crashes or the engine overheats then the explosion will be a nuclear explosion. There will be nuclear fallout afterward. Meaning if a car crashes on a freeway the freeway would need to be closed due to it's toxicity.

Nuclear energy is helpful but dangerous and should only be used exclusively (meaning in power plants to power cities) unlike publicly powering cars or other items. There is also the threat of nuclear Radiation if nuclear energy is misused or has gotten old it turns into nuclear waste. which can cause serious health problems such as cancer etc.

Nuclear energy is very helpful but it is keeping us from globalization. Other countries who don't have nuclear energy can feel at a disadvantage. That country could feel threatened by it's Nuclear weapons leading to mistrust and maybe even war.

Countries that have nuclear weapons only have them as protection just in case another country attacks with nuclear weapons, that keeps them from globalizing themselves. The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)created a "plan" to control the use of nuclear weapons. The plan is called NPT (nuclear proliferation treaty) when you sign this the country agrees to stop producing nuclear weapons and to use old nuclear weapons responsibly.

Nuclear energy is renewable so it doesn't pollute the atmosphere. it is the most powerful energy source to power cars in the future (and maybe even power households.) Professors John Deutch and Ernest Moniz believe that if the world uses nuclear energy in cars then we would lower the worlds carbon dioxide emissions by 40%.

Nuclear energy is the most efficient way to to power electrical items but like we said earlier nuclear energy is also really dangerous nuclear energy should stop being used so frequently and should be only used in complete emergency. the government should also influence other countries by getting rid of their nuclear weapons. but if we do that we would be easily overpowered by Russia, China or other countries with nuclear weapons. which is making our road to globalization a lot more complicated

Unknown said...

Have you ever heard of free trade? Well, if you haven't it is the policy of permitting the people of a country to buy and sell where they please. This may sound chaotic but there is something called the World Trade Organization (WTO) which makes sure that everything stays organized. Many people argue whether free trade is a good thing or a bad thing. Free trade is a good thing because it helps keep the economy flowing and prevents bias opinions in the trading world. It also helps so that countries won't go bankrupt or have low money. Free trade helps in many ways.

One reason why free trade is good for the world is that some countries don't have the resources to make what other countries can. Free trade helps allow these countries to sell their products to those in need. "The sooner we get approval, the sooner we are going to get much more investment in Colombia." - Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, 9/19/08. This proves that a free trade agreement with Colombia will help their economy. If the WTO were biased and didn't allow the country to sell in that territory then that area wouldn't be able to use that product. Also, maybe a poorer country wasn't able to buy what another country was selling because they didn't allow free trade there then they also would not have those products. This isn't the only reason why free trade is a good thing.

Another reason is because it keeps money flowing in the economy and it helps raise the economy level. 42.6% of of U.S. exports are with countries that they have free trade agreements with. Free trade helps keep the economy high and helps not only the U.S. government but the countries they make agreements with. If free trade weren't available then there would be less money flowing in the economy which effects the whole world economy. If some countries are excluded from the trade it could keep the country selling from making profit. If all countries were included then countries would make more profit out of everything and the economy would be in better shape.

Although free trade is the perfect solution for the world's economic status some people think that free trade isn't such a good thing. Those people say that the only people that benefit from this are the heads of multinational corporations. Their opinion is that world trade is "disastrous" to the people. They think that employment have been cut down due to free trade. They are wrong, free trade is good in every aspect, for instance; without free trade we wouldn't have the kind of technology that we have today. This would mean that because there wouldn't be enough high technology we wouldn't be able to invent new ideas to prevent global warming and the pollution problems. Also some of the medicine that we have for diseases wouldn't be here, and having free trade also helps create a more peaceful society with other countries. Those are just some of the reasons that free trade is the best thing there is. Free trade makes America more competitive and better, we can exchange the things that we can make really well for other things that are useful and at a low cost. That would help the economy which is mostly needed now. The production of the United States has increased since 1948.

In conclusion if free trade didn’t exist the world would be in a worse economic crisis and the United States wouldn’t be the same. Therefore the WTO is helpful to countries and EVERYBODY because it makes money flow throughout the world and not only in certain areas. Another reason to support free trade is that, since not all the countries have the same capability of making items as good as other countries we need to make sure that everybody can make use of the advantages of other countries products. This helps our state become more competitive. Having all the things that we have now is all thanks to free trade because not all of the high technology, medicine, and ideas come from our nation. Without free trade no one would have the knowledge they have know and that, would be DISASTROUS.

myleshopkins said...

Dose Fast Food Contribute to Global Obesity?
By Myles and Steven

m.h. When Monday night comes, many people like to eat out at many different fast food restaurants like Burger king or Carl's Jr. But what many people don't get is that each meal contains about 70 grams of fat. All that fat that you gain from eating out does not go away easily. In fact, it is projected that by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese. This number is astounding considering that there are only about 3 million people as of Dec. first, 2008.

s.s. This is not just a problem in the U.S. however, This is a global problem. Fast food is responsible for many cases of obesity around the world. All over the world, obesity is becoming more than just a small nuisance. Many people don't care that the huge amount of food that we eat is way to much, and this food could be put to good use in developing countries. Many people eat fast food because its addictive, also because it's so easy compared to making a full home-cooked meal.We need stop eating so much a fast food restrunts, they are the reason why many people are fat.

m.h. But all that food contains loads of calories and cholesterol; One Whopper© from Burger King has 75 grams of fat in it. wrote: "At a New York City McDonald's, a large fries-and-chicken-nuggets combo was found to contain 10.2 grams of the trans fat, compared with 0.33 grams in Denmark and about 3 grams in Spain, Russia and the Czech Republic." This is considered not important to many people because they can work that fat off. But most people aren't that lucky, they just let the pounds pile on.

s.s. Some people eat because their depressed, they ether lost a loved one or got dumped by their boyfriend or girlfriend. They could of also lost their job, evicted from their apartment, had their car towed, boyfriend dumped them, became homeless and the seven day-forecast shows only rain and hail. They eat food just as a way to lose themselves in the taste. But the don't stop with just one burger, they eat way to much and don't have the motivation to exercise enough to lose all that fat that they got from eating.

m.h. Others eat because its cheap, quick and easy. These are people that are very busy and don't have time to cook. So, on the way to their job they pick up a bacon-ultimate cheese burger, and because their so busy they don't have time to work off that huge amount of calories and fat. This also gets worse if they have to bring their kid along and let their kid have really unhealthy meals like chocolate shakes and cookies as a way of keeping their kid happy. They let the kid have this food as a way of compensating for the lack of time and fun they share with their child.

s.s. These parents usually put work in front of family and fun and therefore keep the compassion that all people have bottled up, but they let their kid have these "cool" snacks and meals so they can see that their kid is happy. This is all OK as long as people exercise enough and eat in moderation. That plus setting out some time to have fun lets you have the best of both worlds.

m.h. Another reason why people eat is because of all the stress from work and life. They don't have time to sit back and have some fun and so they lose themselves inside the joy and happiness that a unhealthy meal contains. Like before, an easy way to stop this is to have some "fun-time" or "me-time". This time is just for you to sit down and relax or to have fun with your friends.

s.s. As you can see, fast food contributes greatly to obesity around the world, and as we sit here eating more than we should, people in developing countries are starving, just so this way their families don't have to. We are not asking people to stop eating out, we are just asking them to not eat out so much. Life gives us lots of stress, but having some "fun-time" and learning how to compromise with bad eating habits can save more than just money, it can save your life. Think about that next time you pull-up in front of a drive-through.

nathanj256 said...

Fast Food

Fast food companies are some of the most consumer-based organizations in the world. About 50,000,000 people eat fast food a day in the United States. With 20-35% of people obese in America. And fast food companies are one of the largest reasons for these obesity epidemics. This problem isn't only in the United States, people in the Mediterranean are abandoning their life lengthening diets to fast food. Childhood sicknesses do not only have to deal with colds and the flu. Now many children in the Mediterranean are having to deal with high blood pressure and diabetes. Fast food restaurants are becoming global and they are leading to unhealthy living across the globe.

With this horrible economic time people are looking to save money in every corner of there life. One way they can do that is by eating cheap food, and fast food has some of the cheapest food you can buy. A lot of foods at fast food restaurants are under $4.00. This is why many people eat at them; all they see are the low prices. What they don't see is the big amount of calories and sodium that they are destroying their bodies with.

Another main reason people are eating at fast food restaurants is because they are really quick and people do not have to wait very long for their food. For those college students who study all night have little time to cook, or those parents who have long working hours are very likely to buy fast food to avoid taking their time to cook.

But one of the main explanations as to why people eat at fast food restaurants is because the quality of the food is addicting to some people, and there are people who devour fast food on a regular basis. This is why many people who eat at fast food places are obese. "The Mediterranean's highly praised diet isn't highly praised anymore." says Josef Schmidhuber

With its easy access and cheap price people do not see that what they are eating has high amount of sodium (over 1150 milligrams each) and lack vitamins, protein, and/or minerals with almost "zero" nutritious value. An average amount of sodium an adult needs is between 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams, and what the fast food is giving you is more than 95% of the minimum sodium needed for an adult. With lacking nutrition this causes unhealthy living and few of the effects from eating too much fast food is diabetes, high blood pressure, but most commonly obesity.

We believe that fast food is causing unhealthy living. But there are those out there who think fast food is not the main reason. Due to the very greasy food that is made at fast food restaurants people may become very hooked to the food. If they do become hooked it is very hard for that person to stop eating there due to the almost constant T.V. ads.

One effected area used to be known as the worlds longest life expectancy, and is now fighting obesity. This problem had never happened in this area or it rarely did, but ever since fast foods were introduced to this place the eating habits have changed, and this place is Japan. If you don't want to become obese it is good to have at least a half an hour of exercise a day and to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet. To assist in the development of a healthy lifestyle, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a new food guide system in 2005 called My Pyramid. Living a healthy lifestyle may not be easy, but it will lengthen your life and keep you safe from many health problems. So we encourage you to stay away from fast food and follow the healthy living pyramid.

Unknown said...

With the government's help the U.S. will be transformed to become a place not intoxicated with smog and rising gasoline prices

Global warming, a very strong topic filled with much to talk about. But whats been really happening besides the world heating up. Possibly the waste of a lot of our essential needs from our world, including our coal and oil. If we continue this waste of fossil fuels than we wont be able to last after 50 years of oil, and 300 years of coal. Overtaking all of these resources is endangering us to a very dim future. We have to learn how to live without these fuels and learn alternatives we can live with for a long time. In my mind i think of this as the governments fault. They are the ones stopping us from using better fuels and making renewable sources as a big part of our life.With the government's help the U.S. will be transformed to become a place not intoxicated with smog and rising gasoline prices. This is a true statement we have to alert the many people. The many dangers of what global warming can do is hurting our system right now while we speak.

Reason #1:
We are always damaging the earth pretty much every second of our day, it could be listening to the radio, it could be using the microwave, watching the TV. All of these acts are tasks of sending greenhouse gases into the air. Sending these greenhouse gases into the air is very harmful to our whole environment, how? The electricity you are using from these everyday sources are coming from a power plant. Power plants use coal and oil to make the electricity. The smoke from the coal and oil is causing the act of having the fossil fuels be burned into the air, making the Global Warming stronger and stronger all the time. Can we change these needs that we have? We aren't too sure, but this is the time in which we have to stop it right now, before we lose our only chance at our great home of earth

Reason #2:
As we hurt the environment we also have to learn how to stop it too, this could be very difficult and take much time but it will all be worth it so that we can save our earth. For instance, save electricity, when we over take electricity it hurts the air because of power plants. Another way is transportation, Cars put so much fossil fuels into the air each day, and that's our fault, make sure to use buses, carpool, bike, and walk, its that one little thing that can help our planet. These are true ways that are small but help in any way possible, our planet is getting worse and worse so we have to help.

Counter Argument:
Persuading the Government might be hard, but we have to do all that we can to try and stop the threats that are coming. There can be ups, and downs towards all of this global warming but if we pull through we can do it. It is definitely proven that were going to have to take it slow while reaching this point, we just cant all buy solar panels, it could cost way too much money. Although, starting now and actually getting anywhere will be very hard. People really have to help stop this though, buy a fuel efficient car that can be charged. Every little thing counts even though it won't be enough.

Many facts and support have proven strong to both sides of the story. But looking at all of the key facts of how our future will become without what we have been using, we have very slim chances at being able to live how we are now. The coal and oil have been going down, the use of electricity will be the new beginning. Global Warming is near and the U.S. needs to help us stop all of this. So look at what you can do to stop this problem, use carpools or buses. Plant a tree, recycle. Every little thing matters to help our Earth become stronger and stronger. If this continues we are definitely all in much danger to come, we wont be able to save many animals in danger, gas prices will rise more and more, the earth will change probably forever. This is our last chance, we all have to make it count.

Sam said...

America is said to be the "Land of Opportunity" but what lies behind the closed doors of the government remains a mystery to many American citizens. As we all know, America is facing the worst economic and financial crisis since World War II, but what keeps this country from going under? It is the hard-working country of China, who we rely on more than we know. When we go out to buy a new pair of shoes or the ever popular Nintendo Wii that we have been wanting, we figure that there is no harm in spending another 300 dollars. How does this country survive with the greed of consumers that still haunts us? China is the antidote that counteracts our actions, which are slowly destroying our country. We find ourselves co-dependent on China and its booming economy, but what is really going on that assists these trades? Sweatshops and low wages accommodate the production of the toys, clothing, and other items that are commonly found among stores today. What is the main cause of this? Should America keep running on the hard work of others? Would we even be able to break free of the strong grasp that we have built over decades, which links our rising and falling economies together?

America is funded by many countries around the world, and so we should be able to create our own products. However, we rely on not only the generosity of others, but also the trade that interconnects us to other societies and countries. Our country is led by government officials that send our materials out to other countries, particularly China, for products to be made. China is home to many factories that produce furniture, clothing, and many other things that we find common in America. Why is China so reliable? It works for less money but still is able to satisfy the hunger of consumers. It is a race and a competition as well as a camaraderie.

China has been working for America so much that it hardly has time to work for itself. However, many people do not think about how much we really rely on them, for the connection and bond is buried in hope that the peace will not be disturbed. "Basically the U. S. is the major debtor of the global financial market. So that's why it's hard to sell and if the U. S. dollar continues to devaluate, then China gets hurt," said Fan Gang, professor at the National Economic Research Institute and the China Reform Foundation. Many American citizens think that we are the source of our own products, but really that is not the case. We ship materials for our own products to be made, and we are meant to believe that the "Made in China" label is a hoax that means little, simply that the materials were exported from there and there was no harm done. Is America living a consumer's lie, or do we really rely on Chinese workers do produce the trade that earns us money?

Although China brings in money for the U.S. they have come to know the life of working in a sweatshop for over 12 hours. Sweatshops in China have become very popular recently for its economy has been growing wildly over the past decade. It has become the global focus. Sweatshops, however, make it nearly impossible for workers in other countries to obtain jobs themselves. Poorer countries such as Mexico, Bangladesh, and Taiwan have a high unemployment rate due to the fact that China employs many workers who are in need of money, and they import the materials directly to other countries. When this happens, there are fewer jobs available in the countries who are importing these goods because they do not have the opportunity to create their goods themselves. They rely on China.

Another drawback from Chinese products is the lead-tainted goods that has risen over the consumers for the past year. Though laws have been made to help prevent this from happening, when workers are facing the demands of foreign consumers, they often disregard the laws that have been made. When this occurrence of lead poisoning broke out, about 18.2 million Chinese-made toys were recalled for being made with lead. Lead was once used to help brighten paint and to lubricate engines, but the United States has banned any lead paint or gasoline that can be found, but some still leaks through the the American youth via toys, shoes, and clothing. Dongguan is home to many factories that make low-cost furniture that is sold in the U.S. Even in China itself the lead has become a concern. Out of 5,000 tested children in Dongguan, 22.1% of those children had unsafe levels of lead in their blood stream. This was most likely from their toys made in their very own country.

As much as we may have concerns about the safety of China's products, their economy is quickly growing, and is spreading like fire. However, the U.S. may not be able to separate itself from China's growing economy. America has created a bond not easily broken. When we trade yet another product, import another good, we are simply strengthening that bond. China is a part of our daily lives, and though we may not know it, we rely on them to do the hard work for us. However, China has its share of problems. Chinese products don't have to be cut from our daily lives, and in fact, we may not even be able to do that. China is a big part of our lives, and we should continue to trade with them, for we have a strong partnership with them that deserves to be utilized.


U.S. author spreads 'made-in-China' boycott word
Tribune Business News 07-12-2008

Toxic Toys
Current Events 09-10-2007

Tainted Chinese Toys Spook American Consumers
Voice of America News / FIND 08-22-2007

U.S. China Economic Relations
Congressional Testimony 10-31-2003

China's Problems with Lead go Beyond Tainted Toys
By Joe McDonald, AP Business Writer | August 15, 2007

Worldwide Sweatshops-China

ryan3018 said...

sorry i thought we had to put the speech here is the essay

Should we stop buying from the companies that cause global warming? No, if we did, it would damage the economy and every day society. Some argue that the effect on the environment would be good enough to cancel out all the bad thing of this plan. Here are two reasons why. It would damage the economy; the next is that it would affect the society.

Reason one is, it would damage the economy. If we put these companies out of business then we take away millions of jobs from people who can’t afford to loose them. Also all the people who bought stock in those companies would loose all their invested money and would probably go broke and if the company go out of business then all the people who rely on the products of this company will loose an important resource of their every day lives. Here’s a quote from the President of Growth-Logic, Incorporated Joel G. Block’s article The Ripple Effect: How One Bankruptcy Causes Another, “When a company stops paying their bills, the manufacturer [who isn’t paid] can no longer pay his bills. So the suppliers to the manufacturer are left unpaid. That’s called a ripple effect. So, when a company goes out of business, it’s not isolated for that specific company. The ripple effect brings down thousands of small businesses. "About 1.9 million jobs have been lost so far in 2008 and we can't loose more job just because these companies polluted."

Global Warming won’t just affect the economy it could affect the society too. If we get rid of the companies more people could loose their jobs and also if more campaniles shut down then more products wont be delivered to superstores like Vons and Wall-Mart, so many people wouldn't be able to get their apple pie or their new toy they wanted for Christmas, and if people loose their jobs then they can't pay their rent which makes them homeless. How would you like to know that you just got fired?. It wouldn't be fare and you would have to find a new job so that you can still survive. It was all Global Warming's fault too. How would you feel if someone put you out of a job just because of your companies pollution.

Some people believe that putting companies out of business will stop them from pollution and help the environment. But this would cause more bad than good, economy wise. If a food company were to go out of business, where would we go to get food? What about those water filtration companies? We can't live without our water, if they were to. What if a clothing company were to be shut down? Where else would we get clothes if a trusted company were to come to a halt? Think of a construction business, what if they were to go bankrupt? We need those major companies for food, clothing, and shelter. We can't let them go out of business for polluting.

We can try to convince them to stop for now but we need a long-term solution. If we don’t act they will continue to pollute. You should find a way to help because this is your planet too and this issue effects your life. A good long term-plan could be to provide the companies with renewable resources and convince them to use them. Help us stop this pollution problem the smart way!