You will construct a persuasive essay. To do so you will expand last week's opinion letter into a five-paragraph essay.
1. Five paragraph-essay
2. A well-developed thesis
3. At least 2 reasons, each supported by details and examples
4. A counter-argument
5. At least two parenthetical citations
6. Statistics to support your thesis
7. Expert testimony
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
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Ryan Lancaster
Pr. 3
Global Warming
Imagine if the world you know today all changed. Well, the world is already changing, for example there are more category 4 and 5 hurricanes in the past 30 years. That is really bad, because it affects numerous amounts of people this is not only the problem, there are many other problems that we face in the near future. Although the issue of global warming has been around for decades it has recently come into the public eye though such people as Al Gore. Al Gore has brought more attention to global warming though the media and his movie “The Inconvenient Truth”. Through these methods of communicating to the public it has made more people aware that global warming is occurring in our world. Global warming is very real and we need to act on it fast.
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s human activities have added more and more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We built huge factories that ran on coal that put large amounts of carbine dioxide into the atmosphere. Over a 100 plus years this has been a major problem of global warming. The year 1760 is generally accepted as the “eve” of the Industrial Revolution. In reality, this eve began more than two centuries before this date. The late 18th century and the early l9th century brought to the realization of the ideas and discoveries of those who had long passed on, such as, Galileo, Bacon, Descartes and others.
“If we lose forests, we lose the fight against climate change,” {} in Bali, Indonesia. The countries surrounding the forests have a hard time supporting their own county let alone save the forest. At least 279 species of plants and animals are already responding to global warming, moving closer to the poles. {} This show us that we are destroying their habitats and making them leave and find new ones.
Well some say that global warming is not real. They also say that it is just the regular weather change and that we are all worrying about it is pointless. However, science proves that global warming is very real and is very dangerous. “The Intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) ‘This era of global warming is unlikely to be entirely natural in origin and the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence of the global climate,” according to
There is no doubt we can solve this problem. In fact, we have a moral obligation to do so. Small changes to our daily routine can add up to big differences in helping to stop global warming. Here are a few examples on how 1 person can make a difference: Changing a light bulb to a compact florescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbine dioxide a year. Another one is recycling more you can save 2,400 pounds a year if you recycle half of your household waste. One more is use less water; you can just install a low flow showerhead and that there saves 350 pounds of CO2 a year.
Should Teenagers Tell Their Parents about Abortion?
This is a really talked about topic. It’s really important to both parents and teenagers. Teenagers with ages 15 through 17 have already had sexual relationships without protection and get pregnant. Since teenagers know that they are too young to be parents, they just abort and don’t even tell their parents. Even though parents don’t even know what’s going on. But teenagers don’t even realize that they can have an infection or die.
Teenagers need to tell their parents if they get pregnant because they don’t have any idea what’s going to happen to them or what should she do. Once telling parents about it, you feel scared but more secure; you know that your parents are going to help you out. There should be more communication between teenagers and their parents. This could be why teenagers don’t feel comfortable talking to their parents about their personal life.
Also, another reason to tell parents is because if teens are going to abort and don’t tell anyone about it; they can be at a higher risk of getting an infection or dying. Especially teens with younger ages and don’t know what’s going to happen next. They don’t have experience with it, and it’s going to be their first time getting the abortion. Once the teens make their decision, there is no backing out of it; they already made the choice that is going to hurt them.
Also, experts have noticed that in March of 2006, they found an average of 16 percent that have dropped in abortions among Texas teenagers and throughout the world with ages between 15 and 17; after the parental notification law went into effect. California Voter website states in the arguments for the proposition, “an adult who cares about her [the minor] can help her understand all options, ensure competent care, and provide her medical history.” Parents do help once they know about it and can help their teens go throughout their procedure of being pregnant.
Teenagers and Parents need to have a good communication to make sure everything is going all right between their teens life. Their needs to be more trust and confidence between each other so that they can talk about the personal life of their teens. Parents need to be their best friend of their teens. Yes they are going to feel uncomfortable but it’s worth trying. Teenagers also need to start talking to parents about anything and making sure parents do pay attention. Teens should tell their parents because it’s the right thing to do.
The Japanese are Killing Whales in the Arctic.
The Japanese have been killing whales in the Arctic for years. They claim to be doing it for science, but their boats don't have laboratories. The whales are packaged for sale on the deck or below deck. The law states no meat can go to waste. So the Japanese are claiming that they are following the law.
If the Japanese continue to harvest whales, thousands of whales per year could be killed. This level of whaling is unsustainable and could result in the extinction of certain species of whales.
The Japanese are putting a terrible burden on the whales’ population. It is still unknown if some species will ever recover, even after decades of protection. The Japanese could cause the extinction of some whales forever. They have already caused the Minkey whale to go officially extinct. Luckily they missed a few of the Minkey whales and they have started to make a comeback. If they had killed them all, or a couple more, the whales might not have found each other to save their population.
The Japanese say that they are doing it for science. They also put the word science on the side of their boat but it is not in Japanese it is in English. Why would they put it in our language and not so their people could read it. Why would you put in English unless you were trying to disguise your intentions from the country that is trying to stop the harvesting of whales? Why have the Japanese not published any reports based on their whale research?
The Japanese are damaging a very delicate ecosystem. If the whaling continues it could change the balance of nature and harm other animals due to damaging the food chain. The damages could extend well beyond the arctic. Every species of animal is there for a reason, if you kill one species of whale you will hurt the other animals in the sea. This balance is very important and very delicate. If the balance gets too far off it could wreak havoc on the whole world.
Captain Paul Watson founded a group to try and stop or slow down the whalers. ” I have been honored to serve the whales, dolphins, seals - and all the other creatures on this Earth.” (Captain Watson)Captain Watson’s goal is to stop the estimated 850 whales per boat that the Japanese can kill. Paul Watson has won a lot of awards and has a lot of experience on this topic. The Japanese are currently fishing with a fleet of 5 to7 boats.
Although there is technically no way to prove they aren't whaling for science. A true scientist would never cause the extinction of the animal they are trying to study by hunting them into extinction. A real scientist would be about saving whales not hurting them more. Humans have already had a great enough effect on this planet and need to protect it and the whales.
One possible solution would be to reduce the number of whales harvested down to a sustainable level. However, it would be better for the environment to prove that there is no science being performed by the Japanese, and stop the harvesting of whales all together.
Should Abortion Be illegal??
Many teenage mothers consider an abortion when they find out that they are pregnant. Most people don't see anything wrong with an abortion which is taking away the life of a unborn baby that is alive in the mothers womb.Abortion was and still stays, an act of violence against the unborn child as well as the mother that is about to have a baby, apart from being a moral crime in itself.
No society permits one human to harm or take the life of another human without punishment, and abortion is no different. Even though the baby may not be fully developed in the mothers womb, scientists have proved through research that a baby will feel the pain during an abortion. Abortion is still a crime and a case of murder with a guilty mother. An abortion can result in medical problems later in life; the risk of abnormal pregnancies doubles, and the chance of a miscarriage and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease also increases. Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished. Abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and stress.
Adoption is a alternative to abortion and accomplishes the same result. And with 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child.{} Many mothers come up with the excuse that the child would end up not being loved, even though that may be the case with the mother it is not entirely true. There are many adults that would want to adopt a child and would love it as if it were it's own. A total of 46,023,191 abortions took place between 1973 and 2004 in the United States. In 1980 Ronald Reagan quoted from New York Time "I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born." In other words people that are against abortion don't feel the pain that a baby feels when going through a abortion because as baby's they never had to go through an abortion.
Most people think it is only the mother who has rights, and her rights necessarily include the right to control her own body; before, during and after pregnancy.If the mother knew she was going to wan't a baby than she could of thought for a way were she would not get pregnat.If the baby was born by accident and the mother did not want it she has the choice of adoption instead of killing the baby.''The baby's heartbeat starts at around 12 to 18 days, so it's murder to kill someone with a heartbeat,'' Miss Dahl said recently, recalling the argument she used in class in January.{New York Times}
Like Ronald Reagen said people who are for abortion have never really though about the pain the baby would feel during an abortion. When someone is getting an abortion they are not only hurting themselves but also the baby.Abortion is not any different than murdering a live person.
Persuasive Essay
By: Marilyn Garcia
why do people want to do drugs?
People want to do drugs because they feel lonely; they think that they will calm the stress. People just say they are bored and they think drugs will help them, they think that if they are unhappy, drugs will make them feel better. But drugs don't fix the problems that are causing the stress in the first place.
Reason 1: Most people choose drugs because the doctor has prescribed them. People just do it because they think they are cool. I think they do it because they don't have a life but, also they could change that, they could go and get cleaned out, so they could have a better life.
Reason 2: Other people they do well for people that are sick because some doctors say that PCI in stable coronary artery disease is good for drugs. But, there is risk for death because by taking too many drugs can kill you.
Counter-Argument: doing drugs is not okay, especially for the teenagers because it could provokes brain damage and causing the brain to mix up and have hormones of pleasure. The drug can cause them to cough and feel nauseous from all of the toxic chemicals, also addiction, cancer, heart attack.
Conclusion: people that are doing drugs they should stop and that parents that have problems with their kids should talk with them calmly, also parents should get help, and learn that teenagers doing drugs are going to get cranky, damaged body, and they aren't going to respect their older people.
My opinion is that why do you do drugs there just bad stuff that they don't make you feel good there just drugs that make your body and your brain not act quickly. I am a 13 year old girl that doesn't need any drugs to be cool; I believe if you just ignore the drugs, you could be a different person in the future. To prevent doing drugs parent should be there for your teen when he/she needs to get out of a bad situation.
Lily McClung
Per. 3
Should Smoking be banned in Public Places?
Sometimes I will go to a park, or a store, or some otherwise public place, only to breathe the stale smoke of freshly lit cigarettes. Because this isn’t illegal yet, people continue to breathe this harmful secondhand smoke. Can we make a difference?
Smoking in public not only harms the smoker, but also harms anyone who breathes the secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke has even been proven to be worse than firsthand smoke. Unlike firsthand smoke, secondhand smoke doesn’t have a filter, therefore it is more harmful.
Secondhand smoke is made up of two kinds of smoke, sidestream smoke, which is the smoke that trails off the end of a lit cigarette. The other smoke, mainstream smoke is the smoke that is inhaled by the smoker. When non-smokers are exposed to this secondhand smoke, they are breathing in toxic chemicals and nicotine. Tobacco smoke has over 4,000 chemical compounds; more than 60 of those are suspected cancer causers.
This harmful secondhand smoke can cause diseases and sickness, some even deadly, such as cancer, heart disease, and, lung infections, like pneumonia and bronchitis. Some other problems are, reduced functioning of the lungs; asthma attacks; breathing problems; mucus, and middle ear infections. (American cancer Society 1)
According to The American Cancer Society there are around 35,000 deaths from heart disease in non-smokers who live with smokers, and around 3,000 non-smoking adult deaths each year. (1)
Smoking in public places, like outside restaurants or connivance stores or similar places, can be a turn off to a business. Sometimes if people notice someone smoking outside they will be tempted to leave without even going into the store. Not to mention the smell of smoke can really effect some people and cause them to get sick
Others might argue, “It’s my right to smoke, people don’t have to be around me when I do so.”, or, “What about people who don’t have homes? This rule isn’t a fair one for those people.”, or maybe even “My freedom is being taken away.” As these points might make sense, they are still unfair. People have to be a community, they have to work together, and these arguments are one sided, they only benefit the smoker. The banning of public smoking would be a benefit to non-smokers and to smokers because they might be tempted to stop smoking, or smoke less.
This idea of getting rid of smoking in public will not become legal over night, it will need the help of people who want a cleaner earth, and better health for its inhabitants. It will take time, but it will pay off in the long run. If this becomes a law, some current smokers might stop smoking or at the least, limit their smoking because the only real place to smoke would be at home. We need better health and a cleaner earth, and this is one step towards that.
Carolina Romero
English p.3
Should the Driving age be Raised to 18 ??
For many years people have been discussing whether or not to raise the driving age to 18.
This topic is very common in peoples lives this is because some peoples opinion is that sixteen year old's are immature, inexperienced, or that they do not know the value of things or maybe even that things seem easy to them. well some sixteen year old's do know the meaning to life and they also know that life can be very expensive. So i don't thing that every teenager in the world should be punished for some irresponsible choices people have made.
I believe that the driving age should not be raised. This is an issue that is talked about a lot by parents who are worried about their children. We all understand their frustration of having their "baby boy" or "baby girl" grow up. Either way their child is still going to drive at one point or another in their life so why not get a head start. As the author of
the article Should the Driving Age Be Raised to Eighteen says ''How old you are doesn't depend on how mature you are''.
No matter the age the maturity level will always be different . But just because your 16 doesn't make you irresponsible, maybe even some young drivers are maneuvering through traffic better than more experienced drivers ever will. First time drivers will always be immature drivers no matter how old or how young. So why not just have them start at a earlier age so their more experienced when it comes to heavy traffic and going on long trips or even just taking your friends to the mall . '' If we raise the driving age, sixteen year old's part- time job workers will not be able to drive to and from work to make their money''.
In fact a recent report by AAA estimates the cost of crashes involving 15-17 year old's to be $34 billion annually in medical expenses, lost work, property damage, quality of life loss and other related costs. But we have a chance to change that by teaching teens to drive at a younger age so that they get better at manipulating traffic. I think that we should leave the driving age at 16 because its not too young or to old. you could also make them pass a few driving tests before you allow them to get their driving license. By providing tests and classes they will learn better than a first time diver because they will be experienced.
Some people might argue and say that insurance is more expensive for sixteen and seventeen year old's or that the roads are more dangerous with them around. But think of it this way people learn from their mistakes. And if they do not drive how will they ever learn. But us teenagers can also compromise with adults for example we can make a restriction of when they drive like they can not drive after 12:00 pm / midnight.
In conclusion i believe that the driving age should not be raised to 18 because it will be more dangerous because a 16 year old will have more experience by the time their eighteen. And i said before people learn from their mistakes and the only way by doing that is by letting sixteen year old's drive.
Emil juhl
Period 3
The 15-year-old girl who ended an interview to Amnesty International with this plea was kidnapped at night from her home by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), LRA is an armed opposition movement fighting against the Ugandan Government. She was told to kill a boy who tried to escape. She saw another boy being hit and kicked to death for not raising the alarm when a friend ran away. She was beaten when she dropped her water container and ran for cover under gunfire. She received 35 days of military training and was sent to fight the government army(Amnesty International). Leaders in poor contries like Africa, columbia india, and Asian contries are forcing children into conflicts and wars around the world to become killing machines.
Children are kidnapped from their schools or even their beds. To be recruited after seeing their parents getting killed.Once they have been recruited, many are brainwashed, trained, given drugs, and then sent into battle with orders to kill. Children involved in armed conflicts are often killed or injured during combat or while doing their jobs. They are forced to participate in hazardous activities such as laying mines or explosives, as well as using weapons.
Children are used as soldiers because they are easy to manipulate, and will do whatever they are told without protest, partly because their morals and value systems are not yet fully formed. Child soldiers are usually forced to live under harsh conditions with little or no food, and little or no access to health care. They are very often treated brutally, witnesses or victims to beatings and humiliating treatment. Punishments for mistakes or desertion are often very severe. Girl soldiers are very often at risk of rape, sexual harassment and abuse as well as being involved in combat and other tasks.
The way from boy or girl to soldiers follows a horrifying route of indoctrination, including being forced to execute friends or/and family.It has been estimated that about 250,000 children under the age of 18 are fighting in conflicts around the world, and hundreds of thousands more are members of armed forces who could be sent into war at any time. Most child soldiers are between 15 and 18 years old, although recruitment starts at the age of 10 and the use of even younger children has been seen.
The United States human rights groups estimate there are more than 250,000 child soldiers in the world today. These children are as young as 8 years old. The use of children as soldiers has been expressed complete disapproval by everyone in the world, every body except the for the opposition groups. Yet over the last ten years hundreds of thousands of children have fought and died in conflicts around the world.
Child soldiers sometimes carry guns that are taller than they are. It had been said and seen that child soldiers can be frighteningly cold and effective. AI has drawn attention to human rights abuses in the context of child recruitment both by governments and armed opposition groups in countries such as Angola, Burundi, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, and Uganda. The causes of the conflicts child soldiers are involved in is often beacause
In Myanmar also known as Burma, a boy at 11 years was recruited to the national army, he had to watch as older soldiers shot down mothers and then killed their babies. "They swung them by their legs and smashed them against a rock. I saw it," Kim Muang Thang told Human Rights Watch.
You could provide better protection in school and homes.
You could install better police, that will not be corrupt and help the kidnappers. Take better care of the kids so they do not choose to become killers.
Drawing by former child soldiers from Sierra Leone at an interim care centre in Lungi. © AI
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch.
Cayden Kidd
Persuasive text
Per. 3
Are teachers giving too much . Homework?
Teachers in Ca are giving kids too much homework, and it’s taking away their freedom from other activities. Parents have a lot to teach their children and they can't send them to school with chores.
It is understood that education is extremely important for children and that teachers are to meet the high expectation of the state curriculum. But giving too much homework often compromises life's challenges. There is a lot to learn at home like cooking ,cleaning,taking care of your stuff,and just being overall responsible.
One reason students should not have too much homework is because it limits the amount the extracurricular activities they can participate in.
Dynasty on Jan 16 07 from Quazen says that's "Homework can sometimes help the student comprehend what he learned in class, but too much of the same work also interferes with a student’s valuable outside life." What I feel Dynasty is trying to get through with is that too much homework can not only cause frustration but also takes their privilege of doing out side activities.
Another reason why students should not have too much homework is because it may be overwhelming for some and they tend to want to drop out and be done with school.
Studies show that 2 out of 3 kids in the state of California say that they are being sent home with too much homework, but it does not stop there, parents are known to complain about the amount of homework also.
Instead of improving educational achievement in countries around the world, increases in homework may actually undercut teaching effectiveness and worsen disparities in student learning, according to two Penn State researchers.
Most teachers worldwide are not making efficient use of homework, said David P. Baker, professor of education and sociology.
My last reason why students shouldn't have too much homework is because it takes up time that Students could spend with their family.
Then again homework does allow students to master concepts in area that they need to know in school. Their are a lot of people that could argue that 2 and half hours of homework a night is good for kids.
Joseph Nurijand, from Quazen, says, "Homework is important to reinforce what students
learn in school, but too much of it can be a problem." What i feel Joseph is trying to say is that sure homework is definitely important to students but too much of it can be do the opposite.
A good solution to this problem is to get the board of education to tell teachers in the state of California that students are complaining that their having too much homework and too cut back on the amount of homework they assign a week.
Is rap music good for kids and teens?
by: Uchechi Anigbogu
Is rap music good for kids and teens? Rap is one the most well known music we have. Kids are influenced by the lyrics, music videos and want to be like the rappers and live their lifestyle. What do these artists specifically talk about that want the youth to act this way? Most rap artists today produce the images drug abuse, money, and other things. Can something be done to prevent the teens and kids from taking the wrong track in life that is made to look like it’s the best for them?
There are good and bad thing about rap music. Teens who live in a bad area can relate to rap music and can get away from the horror listen to someone who understands and knows how he or she feels. I can understand that some music has too much bad word and are not good for kids but this is what kids can learn from. Rap is simply street poetry (Unknown).
Rap artists have the freedom of speech and can say whatever they would like. It is the parent’s job to teach their children how to go about their life the right way. So the most that can be done is to show our kids the right way to go about their lives is through school, their parents, or even through learning lessons the hard way. There is no stopping of bad lyrics or their influence on children unless their parents take a part and teach kids that living that sort of life is not the real way to fame and success. And that's a really good thing!
Young people who spend time with their parents, talk with them and feel close to them are overwhelmingly less likely to drink (62 percent vs. 43 percent) or to use other drugs (87 percent vs. 77 percent) than are those who don't.(Teens Today 1) In kids who listen the rap music might act different ways and will live their life in a way which is harmful for them. So the children should be kept away from the rap music as many psychiatrists suggest that this music has bad affect on the children. I'm not sure that the girls in our study were lashing out because of this, but more likely role-modeling the behaviors they see(DiClemente). Also by "after studying 522 black girls between the ages of 14 and 18 from non-urban, lower socioeconomic neighborhoods, researchers found that compared to those who never or rarely watched these videos, the girls who viewed these gangsta videos for at least 14 hours per week were far more likely to practice numerous destructive behaviors( Sid Kirchheimer 1 )
Most rap music is about violence and that not what we should be showing kids today. Kids need to learn that what you see on rap video is not the way of life, education is.Education is what kids not all that so called ” good life going in to their brains.After they get their education they can start thinking about the ”good life .” Kids are so influence by what they see on TV they don’t have a mind of the own at times.Thinking that cool and they should be like the rappers out there.That’ s not true cool: being yourself and not getting in trouble what you see on TV.Rap is one of my faverite genre of music and I do think parts of it are bad for kids and teens.Most rappers put there soul and heart in to their music and that why kids and teens love to listen.Teens/kids can realte to music if the rappers have had the same experience in life.Some kids don’t have that parent to look up to so the go to some one who understands.Rap music is not a bad thing to some it’s a way of life.
work cited
Thomas king Is Christmas Good for the Economy 1-15-08
Here’s the scene, crowds of angry tired shopper with their Starbucks latte, caramel swirl, with no whip cream, caffeine, and sugar whatever, waiting in line to enter into Wal-Mart for the Christmas sale that is only today. Suddenly the doors open and the crowd runs in, people grabbing whatever they could of the shelves employees running around from aisle to aisle. When it was all over they found a poor employee, who was trampled during the rush into the store. His name was Jdimytai Dameur, he was a temporary worker, he was working for Labor Ready, a company that hires people during crisis such as Black Friday, and after he was killed his family is suing Wal-Mart for millions of dollars. This horrible casualty happened during Black Friday on December 3, 2008. This murder could have been stopped if America could understand why this year Christmas is a bad idea.
As Americans we like to have stuff, we need that new car or that new TV. Everyone like to feel good if you have the newest or the nicest things. But while I was doing a study I found that 26,000 children die a day, this means that every three seconds a child dies. the only reason this happens is because they do not get the necessaries like food or water and a roof under their heads. These items are things that we take granted, every day people throw away food, that's throwing away money! After a Chargers play off game, there was 25 tons of trash in the stadium, most of the trash was food that could still been eaten.
During the past year the economy has been a horrible time for America, the first casualty I believe the was gas prices began to rise from two dollars and eight nine cents to three dollars and then to four dollars, over the past year I have seen gas prices rise to probably ten cents away from being five dollars a gallon. The only reason the gas prices went up was because cheap, sneaky, horrible oil tycoons decided they needed more money so could go from having millions to billions. Did they ever think that their selfishness would help our country, they probably thought "so what if I raise the gas prices, so what if a couple people lose their jobs or homes to buy gas, if I have more money that will make me happy, because all that matters is the richer you are the happier you are, isn't that right?". No, that is not right, soon after gas prices raised food prices raised because it cost money to ship food from place to place and with gas prices raised the super rich grocery companies like Vons or Ralphs and Albertsons were charging maybe three dollars for a loaf of bread instead of two, or a pack of hamburger meat for eight dollars instead of five. Soon families were having to either sell their homes or you run out of money and the bank maybe takes your car, your 45 inch plasma screen t.v., or in worst cases what happened alot this year, the bank took your home. They took your home the place where your children grew up, all those memories taken away from you. But don't blame it on the bank, don't blame it on the grocery store or the gas company, you have no one to blame but yourself. Now I am not saying if you spent all of your money on feeding your family, no then you can blame on some super rich tycoon. I'm talking all those people out their who spent all of their money on a new Corvette or to buy that $700 cell phone. Because you begin to learn did I really need that new car, well did you?
So maybe this year you could help somebody who needs food or water. Because when you are about to buy that brand new car think about all the people who could use that money for stuff that they need. I am not asking you to give up all of your gifts for someone else, no way I love getting gifts on Christmas, everyone does but when it comes to when you have maybe have ran out of room under your tree for gifts, I think that's the time you should start giving and definitely no more getting. There are millions of people out in the world that need yours and my help, please make a difference!!
Robert Mcfadden, Angela Macropolis Wal Mart Employee Trampled New York Times November 8,2008
David Hassember Crews Don't Mess Around Union Tribune January 5,2009
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