Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Animal Farm Question 2 Due 3/3/09

According to Major, what is the cause of the animals' problems? (At least 50 words).


Nathan Beutler said...

During Major's speech, according to him the cause of the animal's problems is the human beings. He says things like "they take our milk, and do our calf's get any of their mothers substance, NO! he asked the hens if any of their eggs have turned into chiklets and they said no! He says stuff like what work do they do for us.That is why Major blames all of this on the humans.

Unknown said...

Major states in his speech that the cause of animals problem is simply human beings. During Major's speech he says things like "how many egss have you laid in this last year, and how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens?" He says the animals problem is humans, because they take and never give.

Jade said...

Major believes that the main cause and root of the problems and misery that their lives have is humans and Man. He believes that all man do is consume and are the only animal that does not produce. They only give the "bare minimum of food that will prevent them from starving". He says that humans are evil and only think of themselves. He reminds them of who takes their kin, their eggs, milk, and then kills them when not needed. Men.

Lance said...

All of the animal’s problems are caused by not just by their farmer but by all humans in general. Man turned animals against each other when their main enemy was man the whole time. The animals of the past have had disputes with other animals when after all the only enemy should be one who walks up right on two legs.

Ally said...

According to Old Major, man was the main cause of the animal's problems. Mr. Jones overworked and barely fed the animals and later slaughtered them and never gave the animals the chance to live a full life. Man takes everything from animals and the animals never get anything back from from the people.

savannah tate said...

Major starts off his speech by saying that the animals' lives on that farm are miserable, laborious, and short. He proceeds to emphasize on this and later on gets to his point by saying that nearly the whole of the produce they labor is stolen from them by human beings. He says that humans are the only real enemy they have. Major thinks that if humans were removed from the earth, their hunger and overwork would be abolished. He also brings up the fact that man is the only mammal that consumes without producing.

Unknown said...

In Majors speech, he said that the cause of all their problems are simply the human beings. He says that " the life of an animal is misery and slavery". The humans force them into labor and feed them the bare minimum to produce what he needs and the animals dont get a thing out of it. Major also says in his speech that Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.

nathanj256 said...

Major is convinced that all of the animals problems are caused the humans. He thinks that if there weren't any humans then the animals would be living perfect lives. Major also feels that the animals are being treated horribly by the humans and that the humans only want them for what they can make or what they can do. He also thinks that in the end they will all become neglected or killed by the humans. said...

The cause of the animal's problems is the humans. The humans are hurting the animals because all they are doing is taking from the animals, and never giving. The humans are causing all of the animals misery and sorrow. Humans are selfish and only think about themselves.

Sam said...

When I read Major's speech to the animals, the very strong dislike of the farmer and humans in general is clearly shown. It included several ways of showing how they do nothing for the animals. Like the cow's milk and the chicken's eggs. Also, how he talks about how when you come to the age of one, you are no longer free. Then as you age, when you no longer can work, you are killed.

FRY said...

The problems that the animals are having is that they are working to hard and do not have enough food to eat. According to major the reason is human beings. They always take and never give. He thinks if humans were all gone that the world would be a much better place.

ninaad said...

In Old Major's speech, he continued to repeat that the causing of all the animals' problems is the humans. When they are feeling hungry, it is because the humans have given them less food, to have more for themselves. If the humans give them harsher conditions, it is because they are in need of more leisure, so the animals can do mmore work. Old Major says that the pigs will be slaughtered, when the dogs teeth fall out and get weak, Jones will tie stones to them and drown them. "The life of an animal is misery and slavery, that is the plain truth."

Unknown said...

Old Major's speech he that the animals would be rich if they were not serving man. he says to the cows "how many thousands of gallons of milk have you given this past year? and what happened to that milk which should have been spend breeding up sturdy calves?"... "is it not Cristal clear comrades that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the Tyranny of human beings?"
he believes that humans are the cause of all suffering of the farm animals.