Monday, October 5, 2009

The Great Awakening

Choose one of the following questions. You will need to write a 100-word response to to the question of your choice.

1. Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.

2. What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.

3. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

4. How was the Great Awakening perceived by the people of the time? Explain
in detail the opposing views.


Unknown said...

When is this due?

Unknown said...

The preachers during the great awakening traveled across the land teaching their ideas to the people.. These ideas were a problem for the richer people, such as the church and all the rich people. The ideas of the preachers thought that all people should have equal rights and treated the same. This did not please the rich people. The rich people liked having all the power and being able to boss around the poor. They thought they deserved to be in charge and have all the power. The church sided with the rich, making them hate these new preachers. The preachers had a special way to teaching that made their teaching funner to listen to. They taught while acting it out, like they were in a play.

Unknown said...

In response to number 4;
The great awakening was such a big event, and had so much influence on the people in the colonies at the time. Different people may have though differently about it at the time. The rich, from their perspective, probably thought people where crazy, and that telling people that every one was equal was a bad idea. This idea could hurt their status. But the poor, from what I understand, must have felt great! Their lives could change from being just poor people. Also, it would have benefited them greatly, so they where most likely pro-awakening. The priests maybe some felt like this was nontraditional, and should be stopped. But the priests that cared about the well fare of their country, were the ones who came up with the idea. many different people where all, however they perceived it, where awakened.

Unknown said...

The Great Awakening

Question: What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening effected women and men of all ages. People who believed in the movement split away from their churches to make a new committee of people who also supported the movement.

The Great Awakening also had another way to spread democratic feelings in the colonies. The independence of the people that believed in the movement challenged the authority when their religious liberties were at stake. Jonathan Edwards set off the great awakening.

Another effect of The Great Awakening was Education. They had to learn how to read to read the bible. They argued that reading books was less important than preaching from the heart filled Holy Spirit.

Britney Bulah said...

The Great Awakening
By: Britney Bulah

1. Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.

The Great Awakening was a religious movement during the 1730s- 1740s. It was a time when Itinerant Ministers preached messages of god such as equality for all; this gave Americans a sense of self worth and importance. Some of these ministers were George Whitfield, Stephen Williams, and Jonathan Edwards. These ministers presented their ideas in Unorthodox Methods. By turning the church into a theatre, with their vivid images of the wrath of hell and their dramatic ways of notion people were reeled in by their words.

These ideas were not preached in the church nor in the chapel they were told in the streets of Enfield and the sweet grass of the Connecticut River Valley. The speeches motivated people to follow God. Preachers asked people not only to gather in the churches but also to read the bible in groups day by day and to understand the message of God. The church was the center of community it had to do with social gatherings and the way people conducted their daily lives. With the church people were able to feel more nationality and the right to freedom. Since motivators like Jonathan Edwards scared them with the tales of hell they were eager to follow these rules. The Great Awakening was a time when people realized that they were important and that God loved everyone.

Taylour Rudzinski said...

In response to number 1;

The preachers of the great awakening were properly known as Itinerant Ministers. These ministers went around telling their speeches to persuade them into joining their church. They used different and unusual ways of preaching, which drew more and more people in and persuaded the people to follow the church. During these speeches some ministers over due their movements, making them more interesting to look at than just standing there. Some make the parts of the speech so detailed that when they talk the audience can imagine what they are preaching in their mind. The reaction to these speeches of the faith they can have in salvation and god inspired people, making them follow the rules even if they are a little ridiculous of the church. The Itinerant Ministers were defiantly a big part of the church.

Taylour Rudzinski said...
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Unknown said...

The Great Awakening

2. What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.

The Great Awakening was a religious movement during the 1730’s and 1740’s in which itinerant ministers presented powerful messages of salvation and which provided early Americans with a greater since of nationality. It effected the thinking of many settlers and it was like a knew way of thinking. But it was hard for some of the settlers to take in the idea of equality. It was hard for most people because they come from places of slavery, nobility, and royalty so its hard for them to take in the ideas that everyone is equal. And for the women they might have lived in places were they don’t have any rights but that’s probably why they moved to the colonies. By: jacob beneventi

David Marquez said...

The Great Awakening
Q. What were the effects of The Great Awakening?

In the 1730s and 1740s, a religious movement known as the Great Awakening swept through the colonies. The drama and the emotions touched women and men of all ages and there backgrounds.

The Great Awakening contributed other ways to the spread of the democratic feelings in the colonies. Opponents warned that the movement was too emotional. They argued that book learning was less important than preaching from the holy spirit. People who supported the movement sometimes split away from their old churches to form new churches. This sense of independence encouraged many belivers to challenge people in authority when their religious liberties were at stake.

Anonymous said...

In answer to number 2,
The great awakening was when people did not want an established church so they decided to have a religious movement. They said strong messages of salvation with a sense of truth. They wanted their own church. It influenced a new way of thinking because people wanted their own church. So because people wanted their own churches they made their own churches. It was hard for the settlers to take in the idea of equality because they were not used to the idea of equality so that is one way of how their thinking changed. They also prepared people for death and gave them food and clothes and also shelter. By Austin Lockart

Anthony said...

Anthony Antonoff Period:2 9-06-09

What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists?

The Great Awakening was a religious movement during the 1730's and 1740's in the Connecticut valley and western Massachusetts. During this time the people started to grow over the church and over power them. The church did not like the idea of the people over throwing them so they frantically tried to gain full control but ended up failing over the long 10 years of trying. The people in the colonies no longer cared about stuff like burning in hell and god not caring about them. In time rich people ending up having mostly all the power. Leaving the church with their preachers on the side in the dust. So the thinking of the colonist became more focused on them selves and less depended on the church. Which angered the church but there was very little the church could do with such little power.

Sara Kelley said...

In response to number 4-
The people of the colonies had different responses to the Great Awakening. Some good, and some bad. The people who liked it liked it because it meant change and religious freedom. Some people lied being tied to the church though. Even the people who were tied to the church didn't go to the actual church much though. Most people didn't go to church because they were busy people and the churches were far away. In their busy lives they didn't want to spend almost a whole day just to go to church. Instead they had their own religious gatherings in a small group of neighbors. This meant the people had to get their own bibles to read. They also had to know how to read. This meant that the communities and churches encouraged education. So many people had a better education. a lot of the people in the colonies were farmers because they had to get all of their own food. after the farmers began to read the bible they felt as if God was speaking to them. This caused them to become preachers. They believed very much in their cause and traveled from colony to colony to try and convince others. This caused a drastic change in the religious beliefs of the people in the colonies. So in a way no matter how the people in the colonies felt about the change, whatever side they took, they were in a sense awakened.
Sara Kelley Period 2

Unknown said...

Alex Desta Period 2
Q. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The affects of the Great Awakening were very unorthodox from the preachers to there teachings and the people. The preachers from the Great Awakening were different from regular preachers because they were itinerant ministers, ministers who moved around, because settlements were growing both in number and size. The ministers teachings was also unusual they did it in a theater format and said that if people didn't go to church everyday and attain salvation then they would burn in Hell for eternity. Some people didn't agree with this and they thought that the Great Awakening brought about "turmoil that threatened the existence of many established religions".

taylord said...

Taylor Delgado
Period 2
Q. Describe the preachers of The Great Awakening.

The preachers of The Great Awakening during it were really powerful people. During the time they had people to think that if they did not have salvation they would die and urn in the pit of hell. Many believers then would think that they should be nice to the preachers and respect them so God would not get mad and send them to hell. The preachers method of converting is to travel to place to place and teach about their religion. This way of converting made most people of the American colonies to convert to that religion.

Unknown said...

Impact Of The Great Awakening Nicholas Solia Period 2

On the effects of the great awakening, was that there were new religious groups,
there was the toleration of other civilians and a lot of people who were catholic went
to the church and also converted there too. People who supported the movement of the
church sometimes were split away from their old churches to create new ones. Their
enemies warned that the movement would make people sad and cry, when there were
new churches, the people forced the colonists should be more tolerant with people who
who had different beliefs of the church. The Great Awakening contributed in another
way to spread the democratic feelings of the colonies. In years to come, many of the
same colonists who were American were able to challenge the British authority
officials during the American Revolutiom

Jessica Lopez said...

When is this assignment due??? Like what day????

Chante said...

Chantel Bradley-Primm

The Great Awakening

Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.

The preachers of the Great Awakening were very much different from other preachers. For example the Intinert Ministers. Intinert Ministers were people that traveled from place to place. These people wanted to share their belief to many of different people. They entertained from boredom of daily life. They had their own sermons which mainly represented hope for salvation that seemed attainable. They were ministers that were untrained and unrecognized by the starting churches of the day.
They went to any area and just started to preach about a message of salvation in the result the audience became moved and inspired. There preaches would mostly teach of the top of their head, it was called the unorthodox method. It was unprepared but everyone believed all of their beliefs. Their messages sent a different sort of hope to people. They made everyone want to able to preach their beliefs to other people.

Unknown said...

The Great Awakening was perceived by others as their salvation or a threat to other established religions. Others saw the Great Awakening as their salvation because of the itinerant ministers preaching. The colonists would hear that joining the church would save them from disease, animal attacks, malnutrition, etc. Hearing that many colonists were inspired to join the church. Others saw the Great Awakening as a threat to already established churches because they felt it would bring turmoil and in the southern colonies, the Great Awakening was a challenge to the upper class. In Virginia the leaders also despised the Great Awakening because colonists started breaking away from its churches. By Gene Abuan

Unknown said...

Jamie Davis period 3

3. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

One of the effect was people moved from their churches. It contributed to the spread of democratic feelings in the colonies. They thought book learning was less important than preaching. Education was effected in the Great Awakening also. It effected everyone, woman and men. The movement was emotional it swept through the colonies. People challenged other peoples authority when their religious liberties were at stake.

brandi said...

In response to number 1

The preachers in the great awakening traveled to spread there great ideas to many people. One of their ideas are, that they wanted everyone to have equal rights, because it is unfair for only the rich people to have their own rights.The rich people did not like this idea because they wanted to have more power than anyone just because they were more wealthy which is unfair to the preachers and the poor people. They were a religious movement. Jonathon Edwards set off the great awakening. Some of the ministers were, George Whitefield,Roger Williams, Stephen Williams, Anne Hutchinson, and most importantly Jonathon Edwards.

Bryant Ruvalcaba said...

What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The effects of the Great Awakening were and was a religion movement during the 1730's and 1740's where ministers showed powerful messages of salvation and provided Americans with a sense of nationality.Another effect of the Great Awakening was like in the American colonies they changed their relationship with each other, and their faith. The great awakening was a big concern in the early 18 centuries and people thought that they needed church just like they needed food, clothing, and a place to live.People thought that the Great Awakening threatened other established religions.People were amazed in the emotional feelings which the Great Awakening woke up.

Mia Vega said...

Mia Vega Per.) 3

1.)Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening.

Well I would have to say that the preachers of the Great Awakening were very powerful. They made people think that they needed the church as much as they needed clothes, food, and a place to live. They also said to the members of the church that they needed church everyday in order to obtain salvation. The church taught that without God’s forgiveness for sins in life, a person would burn in hell for eternity. They said that so they would have a lot of people coming all the time to the church everyday.

Bryant Ruvalcaba said...

Period 3

What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The effects of the Great Awakening were and was a religion movement during the 1730's and 1740's where ministers showed powerful messages of salvation and provided Americans with a sense of nationality.Another effect of the Great Awakening was like in the American colonies they changed their relationship with each other, and their faith. The great awakening was a big concern in the early 18 centuries and people thought that they needed church just like they needed food, clothing, and a place to live.People thought that the Great Awakening threatened other established religions.People were amazed in the emotional feelings which the Great Awakening woke up.

Anonymous said...

by andrew cates
What were the effects of the great awakening.
There were many effects from the great awakening. It was a religious movement during the 1730s to the 1740s. One effect was the people moved from church to church or just moved so far away they could only go to church on special occasions. It contributed to the spread of democratic feelings in the colonies. The great awakening had a huge affect on education. Kids had to learn how to read and copy the bible. The people of that time argued that reading books was less important than reading the bible.

Jesus said...

J Taco:
It’s the response to question number 3.
The great awaking had a lot of effects on all people who believed in movement were the one who had to move away to create a new comumteity of people who believed in the movement it also spread the idea of democratic government. Some spiritual leaders thought that this movement will be dangerous for there religious believes that this maybe will bring them them down. The one who started the great awakening was started Jonathan Edwards he the leader. But the great awakening sparked more light to the education system it made them read and write so that they could read the Bible.

Monica said...

Monica Antillon
Period 3.
Question 3: What were the effects of the Great Awakening?
Answer: The Great Awakening aroused bitter debate. The people who supported the movement often split away from their old Churches to for new ones. Opponents warned those who made the movement. The Great Awakening contributed other ways to spread democratic feelings in the colonies. The independence of the people that believed in the movement challenged the authority when their religious liberties were at stake. Another effect of The Great Awakening was Education. They had to learn how to read and how to read the bible. Many of the new preachers were not as well educated as most ministers.They argued that book teaching was less important than preaching.

clarrisa cowan said...

Christopher Cowan Per1
The Great Awakening

1. The role of the church was prior to movement
a. Community
b. Salvation
The Great Awakening was a religious movement that happened in America throughout the 1730’s-1740’s. This was a rough time that had Ministers preaching in not only at the church but also in the streets, people’s homes and meeting buildings trying to stop the people from going over to the other churches or religious groups.People could study and learn about god anywhere as long as they were educated (able to read). These people wanted to get everyone to form a church group instead of going to the church. People like the famous preacher Jonathan Edwards from Enfield Connecticut told the people in a warning and threatening way that they should follow the church or they would suffer. At this time the Church was the center of the community where people came to do just about everything at he church. The church wanted to get everyone to follow salvation which s a Christian belief renewing the strength and belief of the church.

Chantal Montes said...

Chantal Montes
Period 3

The Great Awakening

1.Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.
An England preacher named Jonathon Edwards set off the Great Awakening in the colonies. Edwards called on colonists especially young people to examine their lives. Powerful sermons Edwards preached off the sweet and the beauty of God. At the same time Edwards warned the listeners that unless they heeded the Bible's teachings, and if they did they would be the sinners in the hands of angry God. And being headed to hell.When an English minister who was named George Whitefield arrived in the colonies all the movements spread like wildfires.Whitefield drew huge crowds to outdoor meetings from Massachusetts to Georgia

Chantal Montes said...

Chantal Montes
Period 3

The Great Awakening

1.Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.
An England preacher named Jonathon Edwards set off the Great Awakening in the colonies. Edwards called on colonists especially young people to examine their lives. Powerful sermons Edwards preached off the sweet and the beauty of God. At the same time Edwards warned the listeners that unless they heeded the Bible's teachings, and if they did they would be the sinners in the hands of angry God. And being headed to hell.When an English minister who was named George Whitefield arrived in the colonies all the movements spread like wildfires.Whitefield drew huge crowds to outdoor meetings from Massachusetts to Georgia

Eddie G. said...

Eddie Gallardo Period 1.
The preachers would present a message of salvation so that the audience would become inspired and moved. Some of the unorthodox methods were that some ministers using terrifying images of torments in the fiery pits of hell to convert people to the church so they wouldn’t go to hell. Many appealed to an ethnic group or a race. Many appealed so greatly that they drew huge crowds. Jonathan Edwards set of the Great Awakening. Edwards preached about the sweetness and the beauty of god. He said that sinners are headed for the fiery pits of hell and that they are sinners in the hands of god.

Anonymous said...

The great awakening was a religious movement during the 1730’s and the 1740’s. Ministers would travel from place to place in order to present powerful messages of salvation (saving a person from sin). This provided Americans of the 1730’s and the 1740’s with a greater since of pride in there country. This had a lasting affect on how people viewed reality and faith. Members where told that they needed church for salvation. They started to think that they needed church as much as they needed food water and shelter. These messages presented by ministers gave hope and salvation that seems attainable.

Anonymous said...
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Brad said...
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Unknown said...

Carina Sanchez
Answer to 3

The Great Awakening took place in the 1730s and 1740s swept through the colonies. People who did support the movement sometimes broke away from the church to create their own. The growth of so many churches forced the colonists to be moretolerant to what other people thought.

The people formed a government that punished people who did not have the same beliefs as they did. Most of the drama of the Great Awakening touched men and women. The Awakening contributed in another ways to sparte the churches.

Erika Lopez said...

The Great Awakening

Erika Lopez-Carrillo
Period 3

1. Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.

The preachers of the Great Awakening where Itinerant Ministers that traveled from place to place presenting the messages of salvation which made the audience inspired. Even though they where unrecognized by the churches they still presented hope for the peoples salvation. They provided diversion from boredom and rigors of daily life.

Even though the Ministers where untrained and not prepared, they had meetings instead of churches. The most famous speech was made by Jonathon Edwards who presented a speech that has been described as "one of the most famous sermons in all American history."

Overall the preachers of the Great Awakening had unusual practices.

Ana Bechtel's Expert Project said...

The Great Awakening
Period 1
Ana Bechtel

#2 What was The Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonies?

My response:
The Great Awakening was a religious movement that took place during the 1730's and 1740's. It was under the leadership of Johnathan Edwards in Connecticut River Valley. It provided Americans with a sense that they were all equal.

Most Americans in the thirteen colonies traveled a lot. Travel was hard because of few roads and bridges. The Great Awakening taught people to follow the church, that God loved them all. The church was the center of a community along with the meeting house. The meeting house and the church were the center of worship, social gatherings, and business.

The ministers of a Church were also a huge impact on The Great Awakening, the ministers were highly respected and were thought of more than preachers. The ministers also served as teachers and doctors. As you can see the the church had a huge impact on the way people lived during The Great Awakening.

Unknown said...

#3: the effects of the great awakening are what you see in our country today, the reason why we have history of fighting for what we believe in. for example, the revolution, this happened because we were becoming more independent, we were starting to think for ourselves and question if what the church and england were true. now the ideas of the awakening and the revolution are not the same, but if the awakening did not happened, we would have been bound to the church and england, we would not have questioned why we have to pay taxes. even thou this is the only example that i have provided there are many more things that could only have happened because the great awakening did.

Random29 said...

What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

Some of the effects were people broke off of the old churches and started new churches. When that happened people started learning about different beliefs. They also spread the democracy feelings around in the different churches. One of the good things were the education in america got stronger than it was before. They believed that peoples dutys were to read the bible and thats what made them smarter. The great awakening also effected all men and women all ages. That was some of the effects of the grea awakening.

henry power said...

Henry Power P2 #3 response

The great awakening was a religious movement during the 1730’s and the 1740’s. The effects of the great awakening were 1, it caused a huge debate, 2, too many new churches came along and forced the colonists to change their beliefs. They believed that peoples dutys were to read the bible and thats what made them smarter. So therfore it caused people to argue that learning was less important then preaching from the holy spirit. Most of this is what we used to see in America.

jmrodeheaver said...

What was the great awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking in the colonies?
John Mark Rodeheaver

The great awakening was a religious movement during the 1730's and 1740's, which people changed their thinking about the church, religion, and themselves. If there were no great awakening, people would worry too much that they would be going to hell as the church told them they would. The great awakening took place in Connecticut valley. The great awakening helped people to organize things better and build new Churches to help build a new christian life. The new church tells the people that they are not going to go to hell and that they will keep living a life to God. They told them that because they want them to be more independent than they were before.
It also wanted us to have a religious freedom. They helped set the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence. They convert people to feel safe to challenge the authorities in the government. The great awakening wants them to know that they are given second chances and that they won't go to hell if they live a good Christian life. They also taught them about God so they can learn more about him too.

Cherlynn Robles said...

Cherlynn Robles Period 1
Question: What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists?
Answer: The Great Awakening was a religious movement during the 1730's and 1740's due to ministers all over the world sharing strong thoughts messages of the salvation of others and provided Americans with a greater sense and knowledge of nationality. Although the colonists had the church to rely on, traveling from one colony to another was difficult. The church was the center of of everything and provided centers of worship, business, and social gatherings. Most people look at ministers as just preachers, but they're more than that. They were more than just preachers, they were highly respected members of the community for all. The church was there to prepare them for death which gave the colonist a better sense of safety and their insecuritys. Many of the colonists had a more positive outlook on their surroundings because they were aware of what was going on and didn't really have anything else to worry about.

Sydney Loveall said...

Sydney Loveall Per.1
Q: What were the effects of the great awakening

A: Initially the Great Awakening seemed to have a negative effect on the colonies. Evangelists Jonathan Edward's and George Whitefield brought dissension and fear to the colonists. It did not seem they were prepared for our religious or political change. Many churches split up. Some of the ministers believed in the need for conversions, and others did not. Presbyterians in the middle colonies became split, into the old side and the new side. Two religious theories developed; Calvinism and unitarianism. Eventually the colonies calmed down. "The Great Awakening was thus a significant intercolonial movement, which contributed to a sense of American nationality before the American Revolution."

Madeline said...

Madeline Clark
The Great Awakening
Period 1
Question 1

The Great Awakening was a time when ministers influenced and gave their ideas about religion to the people of the Colonies. These ministers believed in unorthodox methods, which meant unusual methods. George Whitefield was a very dramatic preacher. He arranged the church into a theatre and acted out his speech. In his act he used very strong and persuasive words. People were drawn in at his way of presenting that they soon trusted these methods and believed in them. Jonathan Edwards, another famous minister believed that without the churches guidelines people will burn in the wrath of hell. These methods showed people that they were important and that God believed in them and did not doubt anyone.

Chris De Vito said...

Question #2

Chris De Vito

2. What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists?

The Great Awakening was a religious movement that occurred during the 1730’s and the 1740’s. The population of the thirteen colonies was growing in numbers and in size. The church could not fulfill the demands of the colonists. The church started to preach about God, sometimes they would preach in unorthodox ways, they would tell horrific tales of the torture and pain of hell. The church also said that everyone was equal under God. It did not matter if you were rich or poor, you were equal. People began to change the way that they thought and viewed themselves and others. Some people accepted these new ideas, but in some places it caused turmoil. They were not used to being equal and they did not think that it was right.

Unknown said...

Natalie Fernbaugh Period 2

3) What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The Great awakening started as a debate. People who supported it decided to not follow their old churches, and then they formed new churches. The growth of many churches forced colonist to be tolerant of one another (with different beliefs). The great awakening also caused a spread the democratic feel and expressed views of equality such as the right of women. There was a sense of independence, which encouraged many of the believers to challenge people in authority. Some of the same American colonist challenged the authority of the British officials during the American Revolution.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Will La Dow
2. What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.

The great awakening was a movement driven by change of religious practices in the mid 1700s. This movement started with a few preachers going from town to town speaking of what they thought God wanted. They preached of threats and warnings that told the confused people ideas like, you need to follow God and you had to read the bible or else you would be swept off your feet and projected like a meteor through the gates of hell. These elocutionists were challenging the authority of the church. These preachers gave the people new ideas on how to live their lives.
This movement forced people to second guess their faith with God. The preachers suggested that the people needed to read the bible more and become closer with God.If you failed to follow the criteria then you would be sent to hell. This set a mindset on the people of confusion and second guessing themselves because they were not sure if they were following what God wanted them to do.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Amra K... said...

In response to number 2-

The Great Awakening was a religious movement in which preachers would sate powerful messages of salvation which informed people about the nationality of Americans during the time of the 1730's and 1740's. Also, what the preachers informed was to show people that they could convert and start a passage way to religious freedom. The Great Awakening had a big effect on most American colonists by seeing how these colonists viewed themselves, their relationship with each other, and their faith. It also helped colonists realize the freedom that cam with the religion they wanted to participate in. Another big way it influenced the colonists was how it mad them more comfortable with the fact of knowing that if they didn't go to church every time they weren't going to die in hell. They still were religious, but just in their own ways.

Serena Oelke said...

3. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening had effect on women, kids, priest, and everyday Americans. Everyday people read the Bible and were inspired to the point to get out get an Education and have there own independence.Education had a great effect on people. As this inspired people to get Educated was let out to the public many people wanted to learn how to read . The churches also had a big effect on people because many people believed in the movement and went to many other churches.

The bible inspired people to not stay at one church but go to many and get educated. So many people where getting used to traveling that the membership of the church fell to a critical low. The great Awakening really inspired poor people to go and get educated and go to churches because you aren't any different then rich people. The Great Awakening made many people feel independent. They had there own sense of independence so that they could do what they felt. People think that the feeling of independence was so grand that many people wanted to start a war of Independence. The Great Awakening was a solid movement of many people that lead to great independence to all.

by serena

RileyW3 said...

The Great Awakening and It’s Effect on the Society and Religion of the Connecticut River Valley

By: Meghan S. McCormick

(Riley Wood Period 1)

What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The great awakening was a religious movement during 1730’s and 1740’s when ministers sent powerful messages of salvation and provided Americans with a sense of nationality. But during this time there were many effects. Some of the effects were, ministers not agreeing, people were dying because of the beliefs, and they had difficulty in communication. The movement was difficult for ministers because people were spread across the countryside so it was hard for them to spread their religion. They didn’t have any bridges or roads so it was a hard time for ministers.

Unknown said...

Question: What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.

The Great Awakening was a religious movement that presented a message of salvation. It had a lasting effect with how people viewed themselves, relationships, and their faith. The church taught that their members they needed the church daily to attain salvation. This belief people thought they needed the church as much as they needed food, clothing, and shelter. Since settlements were growing rapidly, the church had a problem because it was unable to meet the needs and demands of the colonists. It influenced a new way of thinking among the colonists by there being social changes that weakened the cultural authority of the upper class. Tolerant and democratic popular spirits began to emerge and everyone started to think differently about certain things like the church, politics, etc.

Brad said...

2. What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.
The Great Awakening was a religious movement during the 1730’s and 1740’s where ministers presented powerful messages of salvation that gave Americans a better sense of nationality. In the beginning of the 18th century people were scattered around the colonies. They met at church to listen to the minister give his message. Bringing everyone together gave people a common belief and therefore a sense of community and nationality. This movement had a lasting effect on the way people viewed or thought about themselves, relationships with others, and faith. A belief started to take hold that without God’s forgiveness for their sins, a person would burn for an eternity. Some people even started to believe that they needed church as much as food, clothing, and shelter so God would forgive their sins.
The Great Awakening influenced a new way of thinking among the people by giving them a sense of independence and equality. In both the north and the south this new thinking created social changes and weakened the authority of the upper classes producing what many saw as a society drawn across more equal lines. At the end of this period of time people claim the Great Awakening “had lasting social effects as a more tolerant and democratic popular spirit began to emerge in the colonies.” These ideas then carried over into their political and social lives.

L'Tanya said...

The Great Awaking was a religious movement during the time 1730s and 1740s.The preachers during the Great Awaking was called Itinerant Ministers. These ministers went around telling everybody their speeches to persuade them into join their church. They traveled land to land to let people hear there preaching. Richer people did not like the idea of preachers said that people should have equal rights and should be treated the same. Rich people hated this idea. Rich people alwayz wanted to have absolute power over people but mainly the poor people. They wanted to be the boss all the time. Preachers had to do what ever they could so they can get people to listen to them such as acting out stuff and etc>.The Great Awakening was a time when people realized that they were important.

Unknown said...

What was the great awakening and how did it infulnce a new way of thinking for the colonist?
The great awakening was a religous movement during the 1730's and 1740's that ministers presented powerful messages of salvation and which provied early amreicans with a greater sense of nationality. The effects that great awakening brought. Was great effect on the way people thought , and there daily life's. Because the colonists were moving into a place where there was suppose to be equal rights it was very difficult for the preachers to convey them to think the way they thought.Since the rich had higher status they feared that equal rights would demote their higher status.It also changed the way colonist veiwed themselfs and thier realtionships with other people.This happened by prist telling colonist that if they didn't think that way and if they didn't have church in thier life's they would got to hell.Beacuse thier sins would not be forgivien.That's how the great awakeing started to get people thinking that way.

Unknown said...

karina gonzalez period 3

Q: What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

A: The Great Awakening had different effects on different kinds of people. People who agreed with this movement seperated from their churches and went to joing the group who like them, agreed to this movement.

The creators of the Great Awakening were Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. The gave people the strength to challenge the churches' authority. They told people they had the right to govern themselves. That is what caused the split because people started to do what Edwards and Whitefield told them they could do.

Education was another effect of the Great Awakening. People argued that reading books were far less important to read then bibles.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Question 3 Ethan Kik
Period 1
The Effects Of The Great Awaking

One of the effects of the Great Awaking is that people had more choices about Christianity. During the Great Awaking people had an opportunity to take their own views on the Bible. People also had the opportunity to choose what kind of church they wanted to go to. Although it had it’s upsides it also had it’s downsides, before when there was not much choice about religion people lived in harmony with the same beliefs. But when the Great Awaking came people had different views therefore not everyone lived in harmony and had the same beliefs. The Great Awaking was a revolution in Christianity.

Ian said...

4.How was the Great Awakening perceived by the people of the time? Explain in detail the opposing views.

The great awakening was a revolution of religion of some sorts. In the awakening the poor realized that the current religion was un-beneficial to them and was helping the rich more than them. To the rich the awakening was a bad thing it went against everyhting they had and didn't benefit them very much. This made rich people not like the awakening. On the contrary the poor or less rich were "Awakened" by this event. This new religion was not only new and exciting but it gave way for the poor to finally stand up to the rich and do something that benefits them. So in overview these new thoughts were more practiced by the poor because it was FOR them, as for the rich they openly opposed it

Anonymous said...


The great awakening was a religious movement during the 1730’s and the 1740’s. Ministers would travel from place to place in order to present powerful messages of salvation (saving a person from sin). This provided Americans of the 1730’s and the 1740’s with a greater since of pride in there country. This had a lasting affect on how people viewed reality and faith. Members where told that they needed church for salvation. They started to think that they needed church as much as they needed food water and shelter. These messages presented by ministers gave hope and salvation that seems attainable.
The great awaking also took away the inequality from the lower class to the higher class. With a greater sence of pride the lower class wern't treated as worthless scumbs they where more treated like citizens in a equal enviorment. The great awakning had a lasting affect on the views of lower classes. Even today the great awakning has affects on how people look at lower classes. For instense when you see a homless person on the side of the street you wouldn't want to kill him you would want to try to give him food and water.

Dean Martinez said...

Dean Martinez period 2
The effects of the great awakening

The great awakening spread through the colonies between 1730-1740. It touched the emotions of men and women through out the colonies. Enemies said that the movement made people to sad and emotional. This lead to preachers going to the people instead of the people going tho the preachers. Some thought that the great awakening threatened other religions. Some people left the churches because they thought Education was less important than preaching. The great awakening also spread ideas of democracy.
Some people split from their old churches and formed new ones. This lead many people to challenge authority when their religious rights were at stake.

Jessica Lopez said...

The Great Awakening
By: Jessica Lopez
period 3

Question: 3. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The effects of the Great Awakening were many colonists didn't believe in freedom of religion. The Puritans, formed a government that punished religious colonists whose views were dangerous. A Puritan man named Roger Williams, who was a young minister strongly believed that business of the church, and state should be separated from each other. He believed in religious toleration. The state told him to maintain order, and peace. It wouldn't support any specific kind's of church's. He believed in religious toleration. Toleration means to let others practice their own beliefs. The impact that it made was The Great Awakening brought bitter debate to the colonies. People that supported this impact, often split away from their old churches. They formed new churches. The Great Awakening brought in another way to spread the democratic feelings to the colonies.

Now you know the effects, on how The Great Awakening impacted the colonies!

Unknown said...

Questions: What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

There are a number of theories behind the causes of the First Great Awakening and naturally, all of them are subjective and debatable.The causes and effects of the Great Awakening are subjective and thus various historians will offer different theories.

Brian said...

The effects of the great awakening was that there was a major change in religion, economics, and all more. The Great Awaking was the change of the church which the rich people made the poor people some what like a slave with out any fuss about it. The Great Awaking was one the most imporant thing in Europ. This effect went across Europ and throught the united states.

Brian said...

The great awakening spred acorss Europe and went throughout the united states. The Great Awakening was said that people should have equal rights and poor people didnt need rights. This also in fluenceds the church because the church had people that said the people need equal rights, but the rich people thought that they didnt need it.

Brian said...

The Great Awakening was about a great change throught the united states and also in Europ. The Great Awaking was when there was a chenge in the government that also influenced the church. This movment made rich people think that they wher the only ones that where able to control the poor and the church had nothing to do with it.

Brian said...

The Great Awakening was about a great change throught the united states and also in Europ. The Great Awaking was when there was a chenge in the government that also influenced the church. This movment made rich people think that they wher the only ones that where able to control the poor and the church had nothing to do with it.

Unknown said...

3. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening had a lasting effect on the American colonies, Priest spoke of salvation whitch gave the colonist a greater sense of nationality and it also changed the way they interacted with each other, It gave them faith. The Church also told people that God forgives people for their sin's and therefore it saved them from hell. The Bible also prepared people for death. Overall this was a religious movement that effected everyone.
By Mallory MacDonald
period 2

Julio Bermudez said...

What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The effects of the great were that people from England were coming. There were so many people coming that ministers could not go to each place to spread the religion. They were going all over the country. The settlements were growing fast, both in number and size.
Ministers began to travel though the country to spread their religion. It was hard for the ministers because there were few roads and bridges. They also couldn’t spread it because of communication, remoteness. It was hard because all the people that were coming were spreading all over the country. So many people were coming that ministers couldn’t keep up with the people.

By: Julio Bermudez per 1

Unknown said...

Response to Q. 3.

The great awakening had caused rich people to rebel against the idea that all people should be treated the same. When the rich sided with the church to overthrow the preachers that had thought this, some of the people who believed in equal rights for everyone had to part from the church and create a new committee of people that would be able to support the movement. people had to learn to read so that they would be able to read the bible. people argued against that because they thought education was not as important as feeling their god in a heart-filled manner.

JuanM. said...

2. What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.

The Great Awakening was a religious movement in the late 1700's. The religious movement influenced many of the colonists. A lot of the the society was influenced to learn about religion.

Gerardo Auza said...

Gerardo Auza
Period 1
10/7/09- 10/13/09 Question 1:

Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.

The Preachers drew huge crowds together through out the colonies in the great awakening. The way the have they also make them come is be encouraging the building of collages mostly as the Princeton. The way Jonathan Edwards who had try to examain their lives. He had used powerful sermons to attract the crowed be saying what maters. What he try to say if you join in you are betraying your own religion.

bryan salgado said...
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bryan salgado said...

Bryan Salgado
The Great awakening Question:
3. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?
Some People thought that it was great but some people like the rich thought that this was a really bad idea on the colonies. It also made people to make more different churches. The preachers had a very different thought to the whole thing about the great awakening and a lot of other people thought that it was also a great thing. In my opinon i think that this might and might not be a really good idea because it has its difference in the opinion and a lot of other things too.

Unknown said...

The preachers went around the country and started teaching their ideas. Many wealthy people did not like their ideas.The main idea was for to everybody treated the same, no matter how much money you have.

Irvin Flores

Sara Kelley said...

In response to number 4-
The people of the colonies had different responses to the Great Awakening. Some good, and some bad. The people who liked it liked it because it meant change and religious freedom. Some people lied being tied to the church though. Even the people who were tied to the church didn't go to the actual church much though. Most people didn't go to church because they were busy people and the churches were far away. In their busy lives they didn't want to spend almost a whole day just to go to church. Instead they had their own religious gatherings in a small group of neighbors. This meant the people had to get their own bibles to read. They also had to know how to read. This meant that the communities and churches encouraged education. So many people had a better education. a lot of the people in the colonies were farmers because they had to get all of their own food. after the farmers began to read the bible they felt as if God was speaking to them. This caused them to become preachers. They believed very much in their cause and traveled from colony to colony to try and convince others. This caused a drastic change in the religious beliefs of the people in the colonies. So in a way no matter how the people in the colonies felt about the change, whatever side they took, they were in a sense awakened.
Sara Kelley Period 2

Anonymous said...

What was the great awakening? How did it affect others? How did they spread it?

BrendaChilazi said...

The rich people that took place in the Great Awakening had a problem because, the rich people have to have the same rights are the poor people, so they don't be treated with higher class like they were before. They thought they had to be treated with mor respect and dignity than people who have lower class.

Anonymous said...

1. It was a new way of changing the ideas of government.
2. They tried spreading it to friends and family.
3. It affected others by changing their thoughts on government.

Angelena Frost said...

Angelena Frost
Period 3

[#2]What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists?

The Great Awakening was a religious movement that swept through the colonies. It affected women and men of all ages and their backgrounds it also aroused bitter debate, so it was more of a political issue. The people who supported it separated from their old churches to form new ones and opponents thought that it was too emotional. However the growth of all the new churches forced colonists to become more tolerant of people with different beliefs.
The Great Awakening also contributed in a different way to spread the colonists with democratic feelings. Most of the new preachers for the Great Awakening were not well educated like most of the ministers. Along side they had arguments, the ministers debated about how book learning was less important than preaching from a heart filled with the holy spirit.

Unknown said...

Per.3 Luis Partida
What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The effects of the Great Awakening was a religios movement during the 1730's throughout the 1740's, ministers showed a powerful message of salvation and provided Americans with a sense of nationality. One more effect of the Great Awakening was in the American colonies they changed their relationship with each other, and their faith. The Great Awakening was a major concern in the early 18 centuries and people thought that they needed church just like they needed food, clothing, and a place to live. People thought that the Great Awakening threatened other established religions. People were suprised in the emotional feelings which the Great Awakening woke up.

Unknown said...

The effects of the Great Awakening was a religios movement during the 1730's throughout the 1740's, ministers showed a powerful message of salvation and provided Americans with a sense of nationality. One more effect of the Great Awakening was in the American colonies they changed their relationship with each other, and their faith. The Great Awakening was a major concern in the early 18 centuries and people thought that they needed church just like they needed food, clothing, and a place to live. People thought that the Great Awakening threatened other established religions. People were suprised in the emotional feelings which the Great Awakening woke up.
Luis Partida Per.3

Unknown said...
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Brian said...

brian valerio

The Great Awakening was about a great change thought the united states and also in Europe. The Great Awaking was when there was a change in the government that also influenced the church. This movement made rich people think that they where the only ones that where able to control the poor and the church had nothing to do with it.

Brian said...

brian valerio

The Great Awakening was about a great change thought the united states and also in Europe. The Great Awaking was when there was a change in the government that also influenced the church. This movement made rich people think that they where the only ones that where able to control the poor and the church had nothing to do with it.

Brian said...

The Great Awakening was about a great change throught the united states and also in Europ. The Great Awaking was when there was a chenge in the government that also influenced the church. This movment made rich people think that they wher the only ones that where able to control the poor and the church had nothing to do with it.

brian valerio

Brian said...

The Great Awakening was about a great change throught the united states and also in Europ. The Great Awaking was when there was a chenge in the government that also influenced the church. This movment made rich people think that they wher the only ones that where able to control the poor and the church had nothing to do with it.

brian valerio

ricky said...

What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.

The Great Awakening was a watershed event in the life of the American people. Before it was over, it had swept the colonies of the Eastern seaboard, transforming the social and religious life of land. Although the name is slightly misleading--the Great Awakening was not one continuous revival, rather it was several revivals in a variety of locations--it says a great deal about the state of religion in the colonies. For the simple reality is that one cannot be awakened unless you have fallen asleep.

Unknown said...

Q.Describe the preachers of the Great Awakening. You may name specific figures, explain their methods for converting, and explain the content of their message.

The Great Awakening was a religious movement during the 1730s- 1740s.Preachers in this time would make people believe that if they didn't go to church and worship god that they would go to hell. George Whitfield, Stephen Williams, and Jonathan Edwards were preachers that had a new and interesting way to way to convert people to the church. The dramatic and powerful speeches attracted people to go to the church. The Great Awakening was a time when a new idea came and that god looked at everybody equally.

Angel Flores said...

Angel Flores


period 1


The Great Awakening

. 2. What was the Great Awakening and how did it influence a new way of thinking among the colonists.

During the 1730s and 1740s a new religious movement known as the Great Awaking swept through the colonies. the great awaking created bitter debates and people who supported would brake off there old churches an go to there new churches. this new movement it made the colonist more opened mined to people with different beliefs.another thing the people did was that hey tolerance the different beliefs.they argued that book learning was less important than preaching from a heart filled with the holy spirit.the sense of the independence encouraged many believes people in authority when their religious liberties were at stake.when the great awaking stared to happened the drama an emotion touched woman and men of all ages an backgrounds.

Unknown said...

Angel Macias
Period 2
The Preachers from the great awaking traveled across the land to teach their ideas to everyone around on the same land they where at. The effects with the preachers were there was new religious groups coming. There was bad toleration on other because they had different religion. There was barely any people going to the churches. People where traveling from Europe. People who supported the movement often split away from their old churches to form new ones. People warned that the movement was to emotional.

ianiswhatheeats said...

when the great Awakening came about it caused bad debates. the ones who agreed with the thoughts broke off from there churches and went to others who believed what they did. the other people were scared that the movement was to emotional. since that was happening the churches made the people amung the colonies to become more acceptable.

BrendaChilazi said...

Describe and/or give specific details about the preachers of the Great Awakening?

Well, the preachers taught their ideas to everyone while they traveled. They had a better interpretation with the effects with the new religious group. People rarely went to the churches. The preachers had a lot of sympathy with the situation of the movement that was spreading.

Unknown said...

Zinnia Robinson.
Period 3.
October 21,2009

The Great Awakening swept through colonies, it had a great effects on the
different regions it went through.In New England, the movement was introduced one at a time to
both political and social relationships among the people
were in a state of turmoil.One class, made up of wealthy merchants,
was often at odds with another class, compromised of "local traders,
artisans, and the laboring poor..." In Boston,
a controversy had arisen between these two
groups concerning the Need too issue new currency.
While the very wealthy people supported a new currency backed by silver, the latter
favored a currency backed by land. When such ministries as George Whitefield
began preaching in New England , the gentry expected the spiritual messages to serve a
more diversion to their adversaries, and to restore the social harmony and peace
by influencing them from earthy matters such as currency dispute concerns of the soul.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Q.what is the great awakening??????

In 1730 and 1740 a big movement was called the great awakening it was the split of old churches to new ones.the growth of more churches forced colonist to become tolerant of their beliefs.
many colonist believe in religious freedom.
itwovernment that punished o expelled colonist.
a person called ROGER WILLIAM he believe that bussines of church and state shouldbe completely 1635 the Massachusetts general court ordered william to leave.he go to a island called narrangansett bay he bought a land in that island he put on practicereligiou freedom and religious tolerant.

Unknown said...

Bobby Bier Per. 3

3.What were the effects of The Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening influenced many people to spit away from their old churches and form new ones. The Great Awakening was when many people broke away from their old churches and joined groups of people that preaching about what they believe in. After The Great Awakening the education in America grew stronger. Most of the colonist were the most concerned about education, but the puritans believed that everyone has to study the Bible. In 1947, the Massachusetts assembly passed a law that all parents have to teach their children about the principles of religion. The growth of many churches made people more tolerant about others' religious beliefs.

Unknown said...

Daniel Harris Per. 3

The Great Awakening
The great awakening influenced many people to join a group of people preaching about what they believe in which is called the Great Awakening.Many people from the great awakening came from old churches to form new ones to support there beliefs like many of the people wasn't well educated and argued that book learning was less important than preaching from a heart filled with the holy Sprite.The people in the great awakening contributed in another way to the spread of democratic felling in the colonies.This sense of independence encouraged many believers to challenge people in authority when their religious liberties were at stake.In years to come, many of the same American colonists were willing to challenge the authority of British officials during the American Revolution.

Strong-Willed Fighter said...

The churches started preaching plays, and scared people into being more religious. People would be afraid of burning in hell if they didn't forgive their sins, so they would go to church every day to ask for forgiveness for their sins. People thought that if they where more religious than they already where, then they would have a better chance of making it into heaven. Apparently, a eternity in hell is too much for the people back then, but I would rather stay warm than go to a cold place full of clouds for a eternity. By realizing this, people would go to the church, and it even got to the point that they would make offerings to the church and hope that things would get better in their lives and whatnot. I believe that if people where good in the first place, then they would not need to go to the church everyday, and would not need to be constantly forgiven for their actions. If people had simply follow the law, be faithful, always tell the truth, and not act out along with being respectful, then things wouldn't happen to them that they would need forgivence for.

By Lauren Stalcup

Unknown said...

What was the Great Awakening?

3.What were the effects of the Great Awakening?

The great awakening affected a lot of people. The people went around spreading there religions. They did that for the peace for there colonies. The awakening had an affect on many people. The reason they spread there religios was so that there people don't go crazy. Well the great awakening made us not think that we are just gonna die and rot in the ground. Almost every one as a religion. I think that when u die you are a happier person because you believe when you die you will go to heaven. Basically i think that the great awakening had a huge effect on people because now people don't think that there just gonna die. A lot of things happened because of the great awakening, like the people started challenging religious authority and that led to the war of independence.

Sam DIego 96 said...

Response to number 4
The Effects of the Great Awakening were. One People had to move their churches, Because it was for the democratic feeling. They thought that it was less important to book learn than Preach.

Education was effected also. Everyone was effected Men,Women, and children. People would Challenge Other peoples Authority when the religion kicked in.