Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Primary Source Interpretation and Analysis Period 3

Post your questions and answers here. Be sure to include your name and the title of the primary source.


Erika Lopez said...

Primary Source Interpretation
By: Erika Lopez-Carrillo
Per. 3

1) Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.

The Morrill Act was made in 1862 and introduced by Justin Smith Morrill. The Morrill Act is also known as the Land Grant College Act. Justin S. Morrill was a Vermont congress man who wanted to assure that education would be available to those in all social classes.

2) Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.

The Morrill Act (1862) eight sections that explain legislative acts of the U.S.

Ex. "And be it further enacted, That land scrip issued under the provisions of this act shall not be subject to location until after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three."

3) Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.

"Sixth. No State while in a condition of rebellion or insurrection against the government of the United States shall be entitled to the benefit of this act."

I chose this statement because it explains that any state that has rebelled against the government can't have any benefit from the Morrill Act.

4) Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. you may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.

Was there any states that rebelled against this act?

5) Write a reflection or opinion about this document.

In my opinion, this document is really strict with all the states of the U.S because they have legislative acts that gives them benefits.

6) Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?

The Morrill Act is very detailed and organized. What is unique about this is that it has some great vocabulary words like inviolably, and diminution.

7) Who was the author, speaker, or creator of the source?
The speaker or author of this source is John S. Morrill. He introduced the Morrill Act in 1862.

8) For what audience was the source addressed?
This source was addressed to all the states of the U.S.

9) For what purpose was the source created?

The purpose of the Morrill Act was to create agricultural and mechanical educations for all the states.

10) List three things about this source that are important.
1. Taxes
2. Legislative Facts
3. Benefits for the states

11) What can be learned from this source?
What we can learn from the Morrill Act in 1862 is how they applied legislative laws on documents. And what rules they obtained.

Bryant Ruvalcaba said...

Primary Source Interpretation
By:Bryant Ruvalcaba

1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.

1,A. Who-The people were the U.S. presidents, Calvin Coolidge,Herbert Hoover,John F. Kennedy, and others like the European countries.
What-Monroe Doctrine was implored to settle militarily in America to stop the spread of European influences.
When-The Monroe was finally shown to public in December 2, 1823.
Where-This took place in Europe and in the united states.
Why-It was great effort in Spain and Portugal to improve the condition of the people of those countries.

2. Write a summary about the document.Explain the main ideas about the primary source.

2,A. This document was basically so that the events that happened in Spain and Portugal proved that Europe was still upset/confused, it also warned European powers not to interfere in the obligations of the Western Hemisphere.

3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.

3,A. The late events in Spain and Portugal shew that Europe is still unsettled.This probably means that the events that happened in Spain and Portugal proved that Europe was still

4. Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source.You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.

5. Write you're reaction or opinion about this document.

5,A. I didn't really understand what this document really meant.

6. Any unique or unusual qualities of the source.

6,A. Didn't find and unique/unusual qualities of this primary source.

7. Who was the author/speaker/creator of the source?

7,A. The author of this document or speaker was President James Monroe Doctrine.

8. For what audience was the source addressed?

8,A. The audience for this document was the Russian Imperial Government.

9. For what purpose was the source created?

9,A. The purpose of this document was to warn European powers not to bother in the obligations of the Western Hemisphere.

10. List three things about this source that are important.

10,A. The three most important things in this document are:

1- Warned European powers not to bother in the obligations of the Western Hemisphere.
2-Had to do with a lot of United States presidents.
3-Had to do with the Russian Imperial Government

11. What can be learned from this source?

11,A. Something that can be learned was how the Europeans wanted to interfere with the obligations of the Western Hampshire.

Unknown said...

Horses-Louisiana Purchase
By:David M.Brownstone
and Irene M.Frank
Carina Sanchez Per.3

1.)''When European-American fur traders, explorers, and pioneers arrived in the West, they found a ready supply of horses"
Meaning:When they arrived in the West there was horses waiting for them.
2.)''In 1832, as President Jackson intensified his pressure to take Texas away from Mexico, he sent Houston to Texas"
Meaning:President Jackson was going to move Texas to Houston.
3.)"Finally in 1649, the Iroquois took and destroyed Huronia"
Meaning:They destroyed Horonia.
4.) "Idaho, the 43rd state of the Union, bounded by Washington and Oregon to the west, Nevada and Utah to the south, Montana and Wyoming to the east, and Canada to the north"
Meaning:Idaho kept moving.
5.)"Population increased rapidly in the late 1800s, as people rushed in following gold strikes, especially after 1860"
Meaning:A lot of people were moving there because there was gold.
6.)"Conflict with the Native Americans would continue into the 1830s, most notably in the BLACK HAWK WAR"
Meaning:There was conflict with the Native Americans.
7.)"Independence Rock, a key landmark in the Oregon-California Trail.
Meaning:Very important landmark.
8.)"After the region came to the United States and settlers began moving in, conflicts with Native Americans increased"
Meaning:The conflicts got worse.
9.)"As the NORTHWEST TERRITORY's settler population grew, the lands were divided into various territories"
Meaning:The population got so big they had to separate lands.
10.)After some delay over a boundery dispute with Missouri, Iowa became a state in 1846
Meaning:Over time Missouri finally bacame a state.
11.)"You have bought a fair land, but there is a cloud hanging over it. You will find its settlement dark and bloody
Meaning:There can be dangerous things in the land.

Unknown said...

1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.
There is no who because its a written constitution. the what is the laws it creates. The when is in the 70s. The where is in the United States. Why? Because people needed a written constitution to make laws and protect liberty, life, and property.
2. Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.
The Articles of Confederation written by important figures of the thirteeen colonies illustrates the first written constitution for the thirteen colonies. Its first couple articles are about the sovereignty of the thirteen colonies. Its second group of articles is about wartime and what the colonist should do in a state of war. The last group of articles is about bills and taxes.
3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
I selected this statement"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right" because I thought this statement was pretty strong and enforcing.
4. Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.
No characters in primary source
5. Write your reaction or opinion about this document.
I think this document is pretty weird because the first article is pretty short then when you move on to later articles you notice the text increases.
6. Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?
Nothing in particular
7. Who was the author, speaker, or creator of the source?
The author of the articles of confederation were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Dickinsin, Richard Henry Lee, Daniel Shays, and George Washington
8. For what audience was the source addressed?
It was for the thirteen colonies
9. For what purpose was the source created?
To create laws for the colonists of the thirteen colonies
10. List three things about this source that are important.
It is the first written constitution for the Thirteen colonies, people said it's a good model for constitution, it also made the union of the thirteen colonies legel and identified as a sovereign state.
11. What can be learned from this source?
You can learn the twelve articles

Unknown said...

Bobby Bier

Transcript of Treaty of Paris (1783)

1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why. Great Britain, France, and The Colonies, 1783, America, to end the war.
2. Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.
the document is about Great Britain becoming independent from the United States.
3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement
The navigation of the river Mississippi, from its source to the ocean, shall forever remain free and open to the subjects of Great Britain and the citizens of the United States.
I chose it because it means that the Mississippi is free to the US and Great Britain.
4. Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.
What else could be added to this document?
5. Write your reaction or opinion about this document.
I agree with this document because it is ending the war and bringing peace.
6. Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?
7. Who was the author, speaker, or creator of the source?
D. Hartley
John Adams
B. Franklin
John Jay
8. For what audience was the source addressed?
9.For what purpose was the source created?
To end the French- Indian war
10. List three things about this source that are important
1-Article 1
2-Article 3
3-Article 8
11. What can be learned from this source?
The United States were allowed to go to Canada to fish.

Ian said...

1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.

Th document was called Homestead Act of 1876 so it means it took place in 1876. They made this document to state the rules and inform

2. Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.

In this document what it says is if you are a US citizen, you have, never borne arms against the US, or aided its enemies, then you are entitled to X amount of acres of land. It also says that you may purchase more for a fee. It also states what happnes if the buyer or entitlee of land dies and who gets the land entitled.

3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.

If an entitlee leaves young kin after death if the government comes to the conclusion that they don't need they will take the land back for redisstribution.

I selected this because it could cause a lot of contraversy some would say yes if they don't need the land take it back to give to someone else. Others might say that you should be able to keep what is entitled to you no matter what.

4. Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.

I would want to ask about bloodlines, because if somebody comes from and indian tribe that is native to the area are they entitle to land to or not because the US took over all of it did they leave it to them or would they give the land to other US citizens. I am guessing that they wouldn't give them any because they previouslyh bore arms against the US

5. Write your reaction or opinion about this document.

I think it was a good idea and that the government should give land out to citizens for being there, and being loyal. I think it is a good idea, but not very smart in this day and age because we would run out of space and the economy doesn't need to get any worse.

6.Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?

No it pretty much just stated the rules and regulations of the act.

7. Who was the author, speaker, or creator of the source?

The U.S. government?

8. For what audience was the source addressed?

This was to the U.S. public, and any peoples looking to become citizens.

9. For what purpose was the sourced created?

The document was created so that citizens of the united states could get the land entitled to them by the government.

10. List three things about this source that are important

You must have never borne arms or done anything against the states to get your land. You must be born a citizen or naturalized to get your land. Additional acres can be purchased if you would like.

11. What can be learned from this source?

It can be learned that back in the day the U.S. wanted as many citizens as possible and wanted to build a big strong country opposite of now where we are growing out of control. It also shows how good the economy was because they practically gave away land.