Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Primary Source Interpretation and Analysis Period 7

Write the eleven questions with answers. Be sure to include your name and title of source.


Anonymous said...

Zoƫ Klein
Per 7
1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.
The Pacific Railway Acts was created by The United States Congress and was signed by Abraham Lincoln. The Pacific Railway Act was an ACT to be made into a law. It was created in 1862 but signed in 1862 as well. This act was created for a railroad along the Mississippi River. The act wast of aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean

2. Write a Summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the Primary Source
The act was passed in 1862 by President Abraham Lincoln. It authorized both the making of extensive land grants in the Western US, and the insurance of 30-yeas US government bonds. The bonds were authorized to be issued at 16000 per mile of sierra nevada mountains and East base of the Rocky Mountains.

3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
"That there be and is hereby, granted to the said company, of the purpose of aiding in the construction, of said railroad and telegraph line, and secrue the safe and speedy transprotation of the mail , troops, munitions of war and public stores." This means that the construction of the railways and telegraphs must be quick so that when those items are moved from place to place, that they are safe on a train.

4. Write a Question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.
Q:Would the Railways transport civilians, along with military personnel?
A:No, the tracks are for union workers only.

5. Write you reaction or opinion about this document
I think this document is planned out very well, whoever wrote it did not allow anyone to find any loops in the words. By that I mean, they had nothing to complain about and take the document a long time to pass. The authors of the Act obviously didn't conceive and write this law in one night, it took time.

6. Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?
That this act had 20 sectors about different and important subjects for the matter. Each were similar but, each were very important.

7. Who was the author, speaker or creator of the source?
The creators of this source was the United States Congress, but was signed by President Abraham Lincoln.

8. For what audience was the source addressed?
Congress men, the president, important military leaders, Vice president and Union workers.

9. For what purpose was the source created?
To create a law and for a railroad along the Mississippi River. The act was to of aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.

10. List three things about this source that is important.
Missouri River
Government Bonds
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Rocky Mountains

11. What can be learned form this source?
That with a lot of planning, laws can do the best for the contry. Now a days people vote for laws that they don't even know what it is. They just don't care. Acts like this need the cooperation of everyone like, the importance of knowing about what is being built.

Unknown said...

Ysabella Zammit
Per 7

1.Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.
The compromise of 1850 was written by Senator Henry Clay. It was five bills that wanted to end slavery and keep order in western territories that passed in September of 1850. The Compromise was started because people wanted a union of states.

2.Write a summary about the document, Explain the main ideas about the primary source.
The compromise of 1850 wanted "relinquish to the United States".

3.Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
"And be it further enacted, That no citizen of the United States shall be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, in said territory, except by the judgment of his peers and the laws of the land." This statement, the "life, liberty, and property" relates to the constitution, which wanted harmony for everybody. In this case they wanted to deal with the spread of slavery to territories to keep everything in balance, and I think that this statement resembles that to keep order and peace for everybody.

4.Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.
Q: Is slavery being band throughout all states for fair territory?
A: No, there will still be slave trade, but it will be more equal for everyone so there will be no controversy between states.

5.Write your reaction or opinion about this document.
This document is very long, but is very explanatory and gives a purpose for a lot of things. It was made to deal with the spread of slavery to territories, and with each word that was put into the document, it gives a balance to what is being told. When they wrote this they named it "Compromise" for a reason. I think this i because throughout the document it is being set that each person who will have to be involved like the President has to make a compromise that they will help and obey this new act.

6.Any unique or unusual qualities of the source.Who was the author, speaker, or the creator of the source?
It took four years before the Compromise was finally settled in 1850. It took four years because people were trying to lessen the slave states.

7.Who was the author, speaker, or the creator of the source?
Senator Henry Clay was the creator.

8.For what audience was the source addressed?
The audience that this source was addressed to was the government, like the president, congress, House of Representatives, and the citizens.

9.For what purpose was the source created?
The source was created so that "peace, concord, and the harmony of the union" could spread throughout western states, with no controversy between them. It was also created to "abolish slavery" by law or any other territory in the united states from Mexico. The compromise of 1850 wanted more than eight things to be "Resolved" within the western district to provide for a more fair life.

10.List three things about this source that are important.
Slave trade

11.What can be learned from this source?
The the thing that can be learned from this source is that the Compromise of 1850 was what helped to defuse slaves in America and create boundaries between states to solve conflicts between them.

CollinClack said...

Collin Clack
Primary Source Analysis And Interpretation
Washington's Farewell Address 1796

1. Read and discuss the primary source examining the who, what, where, when and why.
Washing tons Farewell Address was created by George Washington in 1796. It was put in The Independent Chronicle on September 26, 1796. He made his far well address because it was signaling the end of his Presidency. This wasn't a speech it was put in the Independent Chronicle.

2 Write a summary about the Document. Explain the main ideas.
George Washington's Fare-wall Address was based on the decision of not going to run for a third time. It talked about His Proclamation of 1763 and the ideas of constitution. It also talked about the free government and talked about free life

3 Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify we you picked this sentence.
Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. This is saying that people are diffrent and pick our own lifestyle. I liked that sentence because it applys to every man in the world male or female.

4 Write a ques you would like to ask about the primary source.
Why didn't you address this in front of a crowd .

5 Write your opinion about this doc
I believe that Georgie Washington was a very important and smart man and knew what to Say. I thought that in this doc he published the ideas and laws of the goverment and talked and free laws and rights.

6 Any unique qualities of this source.
The writer knew what he was talking about and put his point across

7Who was the Author of this source. George Washington was the author and creator of this source.

8 What audience was the source addressed
The article was put in a newspaper and read by many. It was read by the people of the USA

9What purpose was the source created. It was shown to declare that he was retiring from office

10List three thing that was important about this source.
The words, The information and the examples

11 What can be learned from this source
You can learn the there if free laws and free goverment and George Washington was a very important man.

Unknown said...

Taylor Horan
Period 7
1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.
The Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 was created by the United States Congress but was signed by President Washington. The Federal Judiciary Act was an act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States. It was enacted on September 24, 1789 in the first session of the First United States Congress.

2. Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.
The Federal Judiciary Act is a very important document. It was enacted on September 24, 1789. The Act was created by the United States Congress but was signed by President Washington. The document talks about the judiciary branch of government which created the legislative and executive branches.

3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
"That the before mentioned districts, except those of Maine and Kentucky, shall be divided into three circuits, and be called the eastern, the middle, and the southern circuit." This means that those districts are going to be divided into different territories.

4. Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.
To President Washington-What was going through your head when you were signing the document?

5. Write you reaction or opinion about this document.
Even though this document is very long it has great information in it. While reading it, it took time to understand. Once I did understand it, I noticed the importance in the laws. It took a long time to make these laws and its significance should be recognized.

6. Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?
Today's court system resembles the one back in 1789 so the First Congress was very good.

7. Who was the author, speaker or creator of the source?
The creators of this source was the United States Congress, but was signed by president Washington.

8. For what audience was the source addressed?
The audience this transcript is referring to is the government, consisting of congressmen, the president, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the citizens.

9. For what purpose was the source created?
The Federal Judiciary Act was made to establish the Federal court system. This source was basically based on division. It made up different branches.

10. List three things about this source that is important.
Legislative branch
Executive branch

11. What can be learned form this source?
You can learn many things from this source. It shows that if you work on something hard, eventually it will get finished. You can also learn that it takes a lot of people to decide and pass the law. The Federal Judiciary Act was an act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States. It was and is very important.

Unknown said...

Treaty of Paris Alex Barraza

1.Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, were, and why.
The primary source was to ending the war between Spain and the United States. It also was for pairs to have peace and for all the states to all get to a agreement.
2.Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.
The main idea is how the treaty of pairs stop the seven year war by making a treaty and getting it sighed by Great Britain, France, and Spain.
3.Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
"It is agreed that the people of the United States shall continue to enjoy unmolested the right to take fish of every kind on the Grand Bank and on all the other banks of Newfoundland" from this quote you can see that they wanted all the states to get what they wanted so they could all get to a agreement.
4.Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question the author, event, or character in the primary source.
How did the Seven War begin.
5.Write your reaction or opinion about this document.
I think that the Treaty of Pairs saved lots of lives because it stop the Seven Year War.So my reaction would be good because just a treaty to stop a war is crazy.
6.Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?
The Treaty of Paris Feb 10 1763 was signed by Great Britain, France, and Spain.
7.Who was the author, speaker, or creator of the source?
The creators of the treaty of pairs are Ben Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, and David Hartley.
8.For what audience was the source addressed?
The source was address to the people and the people who want change to stop the Seven Year War.
9.For what purpose was the source created?
It was created to stop the seven year war, and acknowledging the 13 colonies to be free.
10.list three things about this source that are important?
The source ended the Seven Years War.
The source say how it tax the colonies to pay debt.
The treaty marked the beginning of an extensive period.
11.What can be learned from this source?
You can learn from this document is the Treaty of Pairs ended the Seven Years War.

Allen Chapman said...

Allen Chapman Period 7. Primary Source Interpretation: Transcript of President Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who,what,when,where,and why.
This primary source is on Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address that was around 1865 In the U.S.A.

2. Write a summary about the document.Explain the main ideas about the primary source.
This document is about how Abraham Lincoln was in office for two terms and was about what happened during the time period like the civil war and also about how this was the first time that Inaugural Address was extended to two terms.

3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
"All dreaded it -- all sought to avert it." I think that this quotation is interesting because it is Abraham Lincolns interpretation of the Civil War and how everybody was against it at the time and all wanted it to be over.

4. Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source.You may question the author,event,or character in the primary source.
This Question is to the author.Why was Abraham Lincoln re-elected was he a good leader?

5. Write your reaction or opinion about this document.
I think that Abraham Lincoln was Smart and a good leader. I also think that he expressed his feelings about war all the time.

6. Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?
No i haven't seen anything questionable.

7. Who was the author,speaker,or creator of the source?
Was transcribed by the Lincoln Studies Center, Knox College, Galesburg, and Illinois

8. For what audience was the source addressed?
I would think this would be more towards Historians or adults who enjoy history.

9. For what purpose was the source created?
For people who want to have knowledge of former presidents to learn what the Presidents life was like and his beliefs or disbeliefs

10. List tree things about this source that are important.
The period of time that Abraham Lincoln was president, How he expressed his emotions,and what his position was on the civil war.

11.What can be learned from this source?
Basically everything historical about Abraham Lincoln.I like this document because it has quotes from Abraham Lincoln himself.

Tania B. said...

Primary Source Analysis
Missouri Compromise of 1820
Tania Benitez
Per 7

Missouri Compromise of 1820

1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.
The Congress agreed to the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, in addition the boundaries of slavery were limited.
2. Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.
When tension grew between the states that allowed slavery and those that didn't, something had to be done, and that was just what Henry Clay did when he presented the Missouri Compromise, an agreement between the states that allowed slavery and those that didn't, it made Missouri a slave state and Main a free state.

3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
... all free white male citizens of the United States, who shall have arrived at the age of twenty-one years, and have resided in said territory: three months previous to the day of election, and all other persons qualified to vote for representatives to the general assembly of the said territory , shall be qualified to be elected and they are hereby qualified and authorized to vote...

I believe that in this quote those who have been for at least three months, and are of a certain age, are the only ones allowed to vote and be chosen as representatives to form a convention.

4. Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source.
Was there a certain need to be a slave state?
5. Write your opinion or reaction to this document.
I think that this agreement between the North and the South, the pro-slavery and anti-slavery, was helpful since it kept balance between the number of free states and the slavery states.
6. Any unique or unusual qualities of the source?
It had a total of 6 sec. in which it clearly explained how the agreement was going to work. It was very clear and easy to understand.
7. Who was the author, speaker or creator of this source?
Henry Clay, also known as "The Great Compromiser" who supported the Missouri Compromise through the U.S. House of Representatives.
8. For what audience what the source addresed?
The Congress.
9. For what purpose was the source created?
To keep balance between the North and South and the free states and slavery states.
10. List three things about this source that is important.
Mississippi River
11. What can be learned from this source?
The Missouri Compromise was made so that there would be a balance between those free and slavery states in the Congress. There is great quantities of information that one can get from this source but most importantly is the fact that the Congress was able to keep balance for the Union, therefore slavery was a important subject during the 1820s.

Shelby M. said...

Shelby Matsch

Articles of Confederation

Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.
The Articles of confederation is about the colonist in 1777 a Constitution for them so that no one could take control over them like in England.

Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source. The articles were to set limits on what the colonies council could and could not do. The colonist did want a source of government but they did not want the government have all the control.

Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement. "The United States of America", I chose this because it is our name the name of the free and home of the brave. This name stuck with our country for almost three hundred years.

Write a question you would like to ask about this primary source. You may question to the author, event, or character in the primary source. Why did you write this what gave you the idea?

Write your reaction or opinion about this document. I think this document was a good idea because it helped insert or strength and independence.

Any unique or unusual qualities of the source? They explain what they want in the articles and what they expect.

Who was the author, speaker, or creator of the source?
It was Benjmin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
For what audience was the source addressed? This was addressed to Britian and the colonies government.
For what purpose was this source created? So that the colonist would not be overly controlled.
List three things about this source? It says what each state wants. Is clear. And is very powerful.
11.What can be learned from this source? That if you want something done you have to do it.

Marco Barrera said...


1. Read and discuss the primary source, examining the who, what, when, where, and why.

This is a peace treaty between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic. This was written and came to play around 1848. This was to take place in both Mexico and United States. The reason for this is the fight for land in the North American continent. The boundary line between each country is Southern most point of the port of San Diego, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.

2. Write a summary about the document. Explain the main ideas about the primary source.

This document is about peace between Mexico and the United States of America. It talks about where the border lines between each country is going to be. Also about the war between each country ending and bringing all of the troops back to each of their country and ending all hostilities.

3. Examine an interesting quotation or sentence and justify why you selected this statement.
The United States of America and the United Mexican States animated by a sincere desire to put an end to the calamities of the war which unhappily exists between the two republics and to establish Upon a solid basis relations of peace an friendship, which shall confer reciprocal benefits upon the citizens of both, and assure the concord, harmony, and mutual confidence wherein the two people should live, as good neighbors have for that purpose appointed their respective plenipotentiaries, that is to say: The President of the United States has appointed Nicholas P. Trist, a citizen of the United Stats, and the President of the Mexican Republic has appointed Don Luis Gonsaga Cuevas, Don Bernardo Couto, and Don Miguel Atristain, citizens of the said Republic;

I chose this really long sentence because it kind of summarizes the whole document and really clears some things I didn't understand